In their meeting yesterday in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner outlined an optimistic vision of future collaboration between the two nations, noting that Fernandez’s state visit to Beijing, which ends today, has permitted a “qualitative leap” in their strategic alliance, based on a shared commitment to economic and scientific development for all of humanity.

While the Queen’s financial vultures on Wall Street and in the City of London were at work with their Argentine allies trying to destabilize Fernandez’s government, in effect demanding a coup against her, the two presidents signed 15 bilateral agreements, adding to the twenty that they had signed last July when the Chinese president visited Argentina.

The agreements span the areas of culture, nuclear energy, aerospace, transportation — particularly rail —, telecommunications, defense, education, and agriculture, among others. Fernandez noted that with Chinese investment in energy and irrigation infrastructure, Argentina will be able to expand its agricultural production, even beyond its current ability to feed at least 500 million people in the world. Fernandez pointedly contrasted China’s positive role in helping to rebuild Argentina’s railroad system for passenger and cargo uses, with the way Britain built the country’s railroads in the 19th Century for the sole purpose of extracting raw materials for export.

In her remarks at today’s ceremony, the Argentine President made a point of noting China’s support for her government in its battle against the predatory vultures, and its support for Argentina’s initiative at the UN General Assembly to create a new international framework agreement for restructuring sovereign debt without vulture fund interference. The two governments, she said, have the same views on the need to reform the international financial system. As Xi Jinping stated,
“we agreed that we are going to deepen our strategic cooperation in international organizations and multilateral fora and we are going to work together to develop our comprehensive association characterized by equality and mutual benefit and joint development.”

What will drive the British imperialists wild is the heavy emphasis in the agreements on cooperation in the area of science and technology. China will help build and provide financing for Argentina’s next two nuclear reactors, Atucha III and Atucha IV, working with Argentina’s highly-trained scientific cadre force and nuclear energy experts in a collaborative effort that will involve technology transfer from China. Another key component of this cooperation was the agreement signed between Argentina’s National Space Activities Commission (Conae) and its Chinese counterpart for cooperation in space technology and satellite navigation, among other areas.

In the world that is to come, Fernandez emphasized, Argentina is interested in everything that has to do with space,
“investment in which I know the People’s Republic of China, and particularly Xi Jinping, is particularly interested, and we see the possibility of a very important strategic association between Argentina and China in the area of space.” 

In a Feb 3 op-ed in the Washington Post, Katrina vanden Heuvel, publisher and editor of The Nation, wrote that Greece’s ongoing revolution has

“offered Europe hope. This is Europe’s chance to turn from the crippling austerity that has left the South mired in depression and the North sinking in deflation. Syriza is calling for a ‘New Deal,’ not only for Greece but for all of Europe.”

Note that the EIR article on the election is titled “Greek Elections Can Spark Shift to European ‘New Deal.'”

Noting that Germany and the EU leadership’s response to the Greek election is to reject any changes, and to “opt for misery” for the people of Europe, vanden Heuvel calls on the US and progressives to “join in a bold call to save Europe from its folly.”

Most importantly, she asserts that “the Greek debt cannot be repaid.” When the troika responded to the crisis in southern Europe by bailing out the banks, she writes, Greece’s corrupt leadership followed orders, and
“sold off their assets, crushed workers, trampled labor laws and slashed vital public services to ensure that the private bankers be paid.”

It’s not only Greece, she adds:

“The Greeks have suffered the most, but in Italy, Portugal, and Spain, people are also at the end of their rope,” and she gives some of the gruesome statistics.

“Syriza, as well as Podemos in Spain (The `We Can’ party formed only a year ago and now leading in the polls) and reform parties elsewhere represent democracy offering a way out,”

she suggests.

Alexis Tsipras, she says, wants to honor the debt, but

“debt that cannot be repaid will not be repaid. So Syriza calls for writing off half of the debt (almost all of it now owed to governments and the troika) and restructuring the rest so that it is repaid as Greece grows, not as it sinks. It will rebuild public services, raise the minimum wage, and put people to work. It seeks a European-wide reconstruction program to get Europe going….

“This is the prescription that Europe needs for its ills. All that is required is adult leadership to join in saving the community. Instead, the initial reaction of European officials has been juvenile bluster. Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s Finance Minister, states that Greece is bound by the terms of its contract  even if the contract is bankrupt. Elections change nothing, he says, there are rules. Bundesbank’s Joachim Nagel threatens fatal consequences if Greece violates the terms of the deal…. This is, in a word, idiocy.”

She calls on Germany to learn from its own history, with the WWI reparations leading to the rise of Hitler and Nazism, while after WWII,
“the allies had enough good sense to forgive German debt racked up by the most heinous of all governments, and put the country on the road to growth.”

The implication is clear, but not stated in her article, that the alternative to writing down the debt is war.

The Russian media has clearly picked up on Lyndon and Helga LaRouche’s warnings about the danger of thermonuclear war, coming from the collapse of the British imperial system. In addition to the TASS interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, conducted in Copenhagen last week and circulated among TASS subscribers, the Russian website InoSMI, which translates critical articles from the world media, for the first time published an editorial from the LaRouchePAC website. The editorial from Jan. 20 was headlined “Warnings of US War Versus Russia.”

In addition to direct LaRouche coverage, the Russian media has been regularly publishing interviews with Academician Sergei Glazyev, adviser to President Putin on Eurasian integration, who has picked up on the same theme of the links between the imminent threat of global showdown and the disintegration of the Western financial system. While Glazyev characterizes the war danger as coming from the United States primarily (ignoring the crucial British imperial factor), his essential point about the breakdown of the Western empire system and the drive for war is very much to the point.

In one February 3rd interview, translated on the website, Glazyev linked the war drive to “the upcoming collapse of America-central financial system in crisis,” warning

“Launching a world war is necesary for the Americans in order to preserve their hegemony in the world through strengthening control over Europe by imposing the Trans-Atlantic free trade agreement; establishing control over Russia and Middle East, thus expanding their competitive advantage in the battle for leadership with the Asian countries.”

Glazyev noted that

“This war is doomed for defeat. Although Japan remains an occupied country, despite all the obstacles that Americans are trying to create in the Japanese-Chinese relationship, very quickly the Japanese capital is merging with the Chinese production system.

“And we have to understand that these convulsions, that we see in Washington, from the point of view of global development, will not allow the Americans to hold on to leadership, but present a great danger for us, because they are starting a war in Europe against us. We are the main victim of this war today, and there is no reason to believe that it will stop in the next few years.”

The war provocations surrounding the Ukraine are reaching a new threshold in the immediate days ahead, with Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Kiev today, followed by Poroshenko and Kerry both attending the Munich Security Conference starting on Friday. The Atlantic Council/Brookings call for arming the Ukrainian military for confrontation with Russia was intended to shape the environment in Munich and build the fevered pitch for war.

Likewise, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken a “take no prisoners” hard line on the Greek demands for a European debt conference on the model of the 1953 London conference, rejecting any such conference and rejecting any idea of a “haircut” for Greece. The European Central Bank has boycotted Greek sovereign debt, creating a similar showdown around today’s meeting of euro finance ministers and the Feb. 12 meeting of the 28 European heads of state. Merkel has openly announced that she has been lining up France’s Hollande and Italy’s Renzi to back up Germany’s confrontational stance.

We have reached a moment where the British system and the BRICS system cannot co-exist

None of these desperate measures will work, but the prospect for chaos and war as the consequence of these insane maneuvers can only be defeated by attacking the root cause with radical solutions. The root of the crisis is the British Empire system of oligarchical finance that has reached a point of irreversible bankruptcy. To put that system—and loyal assets like U.S. President Barack Obama—out of business, the forces must be marshaled to put the entire British system through an orderly bankruptcy. That means a Glass-Steagall full separation of commercial and investment banking activities, as was carried out by FDR in the USA in 1933. That means an orderly cancellation of the unpayable gambling debts that have been imposed on nations like Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Ireland, over the past decades of looting. The concept of a London debt conference of 1953, along with a full bank separation, lays the basis for restoring an American System Hamiltonian credit system in the trans-Atlantic region.

Such action, which is now on the table, would align Europe and the United States with the BRICS nations and the growing circle of allied states, typified by Egypt and Argentina. Nothing short of this top-down restructuring can prevent the slide into economic chaos and/or thermonuclear war.

So long as Obama remains in the presidency, under British control, the momentum for war in the short term is unstoppable. No one in their right mind can any longer claim ignorance of Obama’s crimes, all carried out on orders from the British. This is the empire system that must be brought down in an orderly fashion—before it crashes of its own bankruptcy, bringing everyone else down with it.

So long as the British factor remains in power at the Obama White House, the United States will maintain the drive for war, targeting Russia and China. It is transparently obvious that all of the BRICS countries are under attack because of the threat they pose to the empire system.

In Argentina, the assault against Cristina Fernandez continued unabated, even as she was completing a series of historic economic treaty agreements with China, during her visit this week with Xi Jinping. Something nasty exists in Argentina, which has a distinct British-Israeli odor, and has been entrenched since the period of the junta. This poses a danger to Cristina and Argentina, so long as it remains intact. EIR counterintelligence specialists are preparing a dossier on the filthy networks behind the assault on Argentina for publication soon.

The same attack is underway against Egypt, as President al-Sisi prepares for the visit next week by Russian President Putin. The US State Department last week was caught hosting a delegation of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood officials who have constituted an Egyptian Revolutionary Council to overthrow al-Sisi. The very day that the MBs were at Foggy Bottom, low-intensity terrorist attacks were launched in Egypt.

The BRICS nations have launched a new paradigm of creative, cooperative relations among sovereign nations, in pursuit of the common aims of mankind. These efforts embody the principle of what it means to be a true, creative human being, participating in the betterment of mankind as a whole, today and in the future. They are typified by the Chinese lunar program, the plans for the Kra Canal, the building of the New Suez Canal and the Nicaragua Canal, the ambitious expansion of nuclear power, the Transaqua water management plan for Africa—all elements of the World Landbridge program produced recently by EIR.

Such a view of mankind, and such a set of objectives, fly in the face of the system of empire. We have reached a moment where the British system and the BRICS system cannot co-exist. By removing the British grip on power in the United States, which is largely through Wall Street and Obama, the United States can resume its rightful place among the mature nations of this planet. It is an obligation to Founders like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and, especially, Alexander Hamilton, that must be fulfilled—now.

Not everybody in Washington is a lunatic, crazy for war against Russia. There is, in fact, a growing chorus against the US supplying weapons to the regime in Kiev, for reasons that should be obvious to any sane person: it will intensify the conflict on the ground in southeast Ukraine and likely increase the risk of a direct confrontation with a nuclear-armed power.

AFP ran a column on February 2nd warning that arming Ukraine would be a dangerous move, quoting a number of Western think- tankers to that effect. Nick de Larrinaga, Europe editor for IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly in London said:
“The conflict is being portrayed by the Kremlin as standing up to the West, claiming Kiev is a pawn of NATO…Supplying lethal assistance would be fulfilling that prophecy, and could even harden Russia’s position.”

Fiona Hill of the Brookings Institution—who last week hosted an appearance there by Victoria Nuland—warned,
“There is a real risk now that we will end up in a war with Russia…As far as Putin’s concerned we’re already in one, an economic and financial war, and if we start sending in weapons then we’ve taken that up a notch.”

Balazs Jarabik, of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says that weapons aren’t the problem, as Ukraine is the world’s fourth largest producer of weapons. “Their problems lie in things like leadership, management, logistics,” he said, pointing out that Western weapons would require Western trainers and technicians. “If US forces showed up in Ukraine, even if just for training, it would justify everything the Russian conspiracy theorists have been saying all along,” said Jarabik.

Pat Buchanan, in a column posted on, also warns that sending US arms to Ukraine risks a broader confrontation.
“Rather than becoming a co-belligerent in this [ukrainian] civil war that is not our war, why not have the United States assume the role of the honest broker who brings it to an end.”

Buchanan notes that all Cold War presidents, from Truman to GHW Bush, recognized that what went on east of the Elbe was Russia’s business, not the West’s. “That Cold War caution and prudence may be at an end,” he writes in a column today headed “U.S.-Russia Clash in Ukraine?”

“What would Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon or Reagan think of an American president willing to risk military conflict with a nuclear-armed Russia over two provinces in southeastern Ukraine that Moscow had ruled from the time of Catherine the Great?”

Were the U.S. to start arming Kiev, Putin would have three options, says Buchanan:

“He could back down, abandon the rebels, and be seen as a bully who, despite his bluster, does not stand up for Russians everywhere. More in character, he could take U.S. intervention as a challenge and send in armor and artillery to enable the rebels to consolidate their gains, then warn Kiev that, rather than see the rebels routed, Moscow will intervene militarily. Or Putin could order in the Russian army before U.S. weapons arrive, capture Mariupol, establish a land bridge to Crimea, and then tell Kiev he is ready to negotiate. What would we do then? Send U.S. advisers to fight alongside the Ukrainians, as the war escalates and the casualties mount? Send U.S. warships into the Black Sea?”

Not everybody in Washington is a lunatic, crazy for war against Russia. There is, in fact, a growing chorus against the US supplying weapons to the regime in Kiev, for reasons that should be obvious to any sane person: it will intensify the conflict on the ground in southeast Ukraine and likely increase the risk of a direct confrontation with a nuclear-armed power.

AFP ran a column on February 2nd warning that arming Ukraine would be a dangerous move, quoting a number of Western think- tankers to that effect. Nick de Larrinaga, Europe editor for IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly in London said:
“The conflict is being portrayed by the Kremlin as standing up to the West, claiming Kiev is a pawn of NATO…Supplying lethal assistance would be fulfilling that prophecy, and could even harden Russia’s position.”

Fiona Hill of the Brookings Institution—who last week hosted an appearance there by Victoria Nuland—warned,
“There is a real risk now that we will end up in a war with Russia…As far as Putin’s concerned we’re already in one, an economic and financial war, and if we start sending in weapons then we’ve taken that up a notch.”

Balazs Jarabik, of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says that weapons aren’t the problem, as Ukraine is the world’s fourth largest producer of weapons. “Their problems lie in things like leadership, management, logistics,” he said, pointing out that Western weapons would require Western trainers and technicians. “If US forces showed up in Ukraine, even if just for training, it would justify everything the Russian conspiracy theorists have been saying all along,” said Jarabik.

Pat Buchanan, in a column posted on, also warns that sending US arms to Ukraine risks a broader confrontation.
“Rather than becoming a co-belligerent in this [ukrainian] civil war that is not our war, why not have the United States assume the role of the honest broker who brings it to an end.”

Buchanan notes that all Cold War presidents, from Truman to GHW Bush, recognized that what went on east of the Elbe was Russia’s business, not the West’s. “That Cold War caution and prudence may be at an end,” he writes in a column today headed “U.S.-Russia Clash in Ukraine?”

“What would Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon or Reagan think of an American president willing to risk military conflict with a nuclear-armed Russia over two provinces in southeastern Ukraine that Moscow had ruled from the time of Catherine the Great?”

Were the U.S. to start arming Kiev, Putin would have three options, says Buchanan:

“He could back down, abandon the rebels, and be seen as a bully who, despite his bluster, does not stand up for Russians everywhere. More in character, he could take U.S. intervention as a challenge and send in armor and artillery to enable the rebels to consolidate their gains, then warn Kiev that, rather than see the rebels routed, Moscow will intervene militarily. Or Putin could order in the Russian army before U.S. weapons arrive, capture Mariupol, establish a land bridge to Crimea, and then tell Kiev he is ready to negotiate. What would we do then? Send U.S. advisers to fight alongside the Ukrainians, as the war escalates and the casualties mount? Send U.S. warships into the Black Sea?”

Be sure to join us at 8PM tonight, as Jeffrey Steinberg, Jason Ross and host Matthew Ogden discuss the most significant developments of the day, from the resounding victory in Greece, the bankruptcy in Wall Street, and the need for a new financial system.

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Be sure to join us at 8PM tonight, as Jeffrey Steinberg, Jason Ross and host Matthew Ogden discuss the most significant developments of the day, from the resounding victory in Greece, the bankruptcy in Wall Street, and the need for a new financial system.

Several days in advance of the Greek election of January 25th, EIR magazine wrote an elaboration of what should take place in Europe, if they hope to survive. Specifically, using the momentum created by the potentially revolutionary greek vote, to not only save Greece and the rest of the ‘PIIGS’ nations, but reorganize all of Europe’s debt, in a manner geared towards production and recovery.

We urge our readers to read the full article here, while including a preview below, provided with permission.

Convene a European Debt Conference for 2015

by Dean Andromidas and Paul Gallagher

A European-wide debt conference similar to the conference that led to the London Debt Agreement of 1953 that settled the foreign debts of Germany has been proposed by both the Greek Syriza Party and the Independent Greeks, and has been making headlines in the European media.
In an interview with Great Britain’s BBC4, the leader of Syriza, Alexis Tsipras, said,

“What we are asking for is a European conference in order for all of us united to address this European problem. There is no other solution to the problem but to delete a big part of the debt, a new Memorandum on the repayment and a new development clause…In reality we are not asking any more money or loans in order to repay the old debts. Obviously, we will negotiate with our partners in order for all of us united to address the Greek debt issue.”

Syriza proposes that such a conference would not only deal with the Greek debt but that of other countries that negotiated harsh austerity conditionalities with the “Troika” in order to bail out their bankrupt banks, including Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus, and Europe as a whole.

The Guardian reported Jan. 17 that Syriza’s proposal was being supported by one of Germany’s most prominent economists, Munich Institute for Economic Research head Hans-Werner Sinn, and by other economists in Italy and France.

The convening of such a conference is an excellent opportunity not only to settle the Greek debt crisis but to reorganize and reform the entire European financial system. The real issue is not the Greek debt, but bankruptcy reorganization of the entire Eurozone, and more broadly, the trans-Atlantic financial system. The crucial task is to restore national sovereignty to the nation-states of the Eurozone so as to re-establish a regime of national credit systems on Hamiltonian principles that would enable the European and North American nations to participate in the emerging world system of development being carried out by the BRICS and allied nations.

Read the full article here.

The first hours in office of the new Greek government seriously displeased the European Union fanatics, with their genocidal economic policies and anti-Russian march to war.

Even before taking his oath of office, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras telephoned European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini, to protest the “joint” statement of the EU heads of government threatening Russia with more sanctions, declaring,
“We underline that it does not have our country’s consent.”

This issue will come up again tomorrow, when the EU Foreign Ministers meet.  Greece will be sending its new Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias, who is a political science professor and former Communist, and a strong advocate of closer ties with Russia.  In the 1980s, he reportedly praised the Polish government’s crackdown on the Solidarity movement, whose members included Donald Tusk, President of the EU’s Council of Ministers and former Polish Prime Minister.

Upon being sworn in as Foreign Minister January 27th, Kotzias declared,

“Anyone who thinks that in the name of the debt, Greece will resign its sovereignty and its active counsel in European politics is mistaken.  We want to be Greeks, patriots, Europeanists, internationalists.”

Tsipras convened his government’s first cabinet meeting today, where he reaffirmed his government’s priorities:

1) a return to dignity for all citizens;
2) the support of the economy;
3) renegotiating the Greek debt and cracking down on corruption.

One of the first acts of the relevant ministers was to halt privatizations. Minister of Energy and Environment Panagiotis Lafazanis said on television that the state energy company will not be privatized.  “We will stop immediately any privatization of PCC.”  Greece gets virtually all of its gas from Gazprom, and both Syriza and the Independent Greeks have stated that Greece wants to participate in the Russian proposal to build a new pipeline through Turkey up to the Greek border, and then through Greece and to other European countries.

Lafazanis, as a student during the military dictatorship, spent time in prison for his anti-junta activities. More significant is that he is the leader of the “left wing” of Syriza, which wants to leave the Eurozone.

The new government’s Alternate Minister for Shipping, Thodoris Dritsas, announced the cancellation of the privatization of the Piraeus Port Authority (OLP).  He stated that
“the public character of the port will be maintained.  The OLP sell-off stops here.” 
He said that the state privatization fund, TAIPED, would suspend the process for the sale of the majority stake in OLP. While China was one of the bidders for OLP, their access to the port will not be affected.  The Chinese are interested only in expanding the throughput of the port, not in its ownership.  They already have a 30-year lease on the container port, which had been negotiated by current Defense Minister Panos Kammenos when he was a minister for Marine Affairs in 2007.

The privatization of the state railways will also be halted. The new government wants to finish the double-tracking of the main north-south rail line.

The Undersecretary of Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance, George Katrougalos, has revoked the dismissal of certain categories of civil service workers, which had subsequently been ruled unconstitutional.  Katrougalos said,
“We have committed ourselves to revoking all dismissals that were unconstitutional, including those due to the measure of availability.”

Meanwhile, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis reiterated the government’s demand that there has to be a huge cut in the debt. He also said he will be meeting Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who will be visiting Athens on Jan. 30, and French Finance Minister Michel Sapin on Feb. 1 in Paris.

Tsipras announced that his first trip abroad will not be to Germany, France, or any of the creditor countries, but he will be making an official visit to Cyprus as early as next week. 

Barack Obama’s recent so-called “State of the Union” address marked him as one of the silliest men on the planet in the past 20 years. Everything he said was either stupid, or a damned lie. He spoke of a “recovery” at the very moment when Wall Street is poised on the brink of a crash even greater than that of 2008,— and just as Obama was joining with John Boehner and Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan, to erase the few remaining banking restrictions of the Dodd-Frank bill, so that taxpayers would be forced to bail out the worthless oil-derivatives of the bankrupt Wall Street banks, as those banks blow out again.

Obama must be torn apart for his silliness and fraud. Even as Obama was speaking, he was ordering new European moves against Russia. Obama is working for a thermonuclear war, now, to rescue Wall Street. Obama’s pressure on Europe for new sanctions against Russia, as a prelude to war, has been so intense that EU leader Donald Tusk issued an anti-Russian statement today in the name of all the European governments, threatening Russia with more sanctions, without even checking with the new, anti-austerity government of Alexis Tsipras in Greece, which promptly disowned the statement, saying

“it does not have our consent.”

Never has an EU government disowned one of these statements before.

People are coming to our side from different parts of the world. The Greek victory has been a great inspiration,— with all its imperfections, the goodness was there, despite the imperfect understanding by many of what they were doing. We’ve reached another breaking point: it’s no longer “we Europe,” but a disunited Europe. And the BRICS have become a major factor in the world. There’s no longer any one leading opinion dominating the world with its force; it’s not there.

Barack Obama must be brought down along with Wall Street, as the puppet of Wall Street and London that he is. Wall Street must be brought under bankruptcy reorganization. Instead, we must have Hamiltonian institutions for directed issuance of credit for high-technology productive employment, as outlined in Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws. Today’s situation is an unprecedented one, and requires unprecedented actions by the United States government to protect the people, as such unprecedented actions have always been required in the great crises we have experienced before in our national history. But each time, whether under Hamilton and Washington, or under Lincoln, or Franklin Roosevelt, we have returned to the principle of Federal credit incorporated into our Constitution by Hamilton, as we must today.

In a wide-ranging discussion with colleagues on Tuesday, Jan. 27, Lyndon LaRouche called for immediate action at the level of the U.S. presidency to bankrupt Wall Street and replace it immediately with an interim system of Federal credit to launch urgently needed capital-intensive infrastructure and job creation.  LaRouche emphasized that without such immediate actions, the already ongoing collapse of the Wall Street bubble will be the trigger for thermonuclear war with Russia, which will be a war of extinction for all of mankind.

LaRouche called on his colleagues to take up the actions of all great American presidents, who all launched policies that were never before undertaken.

“We need immediate, appropriate measures to shut down Wall Street.  The Alexander Hamilton principle is our model,” LaRouche declared, adding that “The rate of bankruptcy of Wall Street is increasing.  This is why emergency action is required immediately.”

“The alternative is thermonuclear war with Russia.  We must put Obama under control by putting a new economic system in place.  Either we go to a Hamiltonian policy or the situation is hopeless,”

Wall Street is hopelessly bankrupt and must not be permitted to sink what remains of the U.S. real economy.  The latest statistics on durable goods sales showed that December 2014 was the fourth consecutive month of decline, indicating that the real economy is in a state of collapse, driven by Wall Street’s gambling operations, typified by the too-big-to-fail banks’ massive speculative binge in shale oil and gas, which is now blowing up towards a $20 trillion crash.

LaRouche posed the question to the American people and to those sane elements in the institutions of government: 

“Are you ready to go bankrupt with Wall Street, or are you prepared to put Wall Street into bankruptcy reorganization and put an alternative Hamiltonian system in place?”


LaRouche added that, as recently as the Clinton Administration, the means existed to carry out such a restructuring—minus the Wall Street parasites.

If there is no such immediate action to bankrupt Wall Street by reinstating Glass-Steagall and putting a Federal credit system in place, Wall Street will crash and then demand a bailout. LaRouche emphasized:

“That will be the fuse for launching a new world war…we must bring down Wall Street now as the only way to avert a thermonuclear war of extermination.”

LaRouche explained that a temporary Federal credit mechanism must be immediately put in place to provide credit to the real economy, as a more permanent new National Bank and related institutions are established.

LaRouche noted, ironically, that the recent breakthrough with the Greek elections on Sunday, repudiating the Troika’s mass murder, will also accelerate the drive for thermonuclear showdown, because it will serve as one more trigger for London and Wall Street’s desperation that their system is set to blow.

LaRouche concluded:

“We must do what is necessary, when everyone else is choked up.  And that starts with the simple, but deadly truth that Wall Street is already dead, and that is the only reason why the world is on the very edge of thermonuclear extinction.”