(Excerpted with permission from Dr. Woods’s daily email.) I feel like I’m back in junior high. Evidently, there are a few social media threads condemning me for being mean on Twitter. (Follow me @ThomasEWoods.) “What has become of Tom Woods? Why, he called ______ a pygmy! ______ is a great man and scholar, better than Woods will ever be!” ::sigh:: Yes, I did do that, and no, I don’t regret it. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? It happens that there is a libertarian economist who repeatedly attacks the character of … Continue reading

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Everyone is no doubt grimly aware of the events that transpired at the University of California at Berkeley days ago when writer and speaker Milo Yiannopoulos attempted to deliver a speech. He was met with violent protesters who smashed windows and ATMs, set things on fire, destroyed property of various kinds, and beat people senseless. Milo has since confirmed his intention to return to Berkeley at some point in the future. Leftist protesters, surveying the situation and its aftermath, have persuaded themselves that the whole thing went really quite smoothly. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, organizers of the riot … Continue reading

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You’ve heard about the “gender wage gap.” That fable goes like this: since women in the aggregate earn only 79% of what men earn in the aggregate, women “earn 79% of what men earn for doing the same work.” You get extra points for brain-wave activity if you asked: “Wait, how did ‘for doing the same work’ get added onto that?” I’ll get to that in a minute. The automobile manufacturer Audi just released an ad for virtue-signaling purposes to let us all know how outraged they are that women suffer from a 21% pay gap. Right now the ratio … Continue reading

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in the last presidential debate of this election season, and Lew Rockwell and Tom are here with the most sought-after analysis in the libertarian world! Listen to the podcast For audio of the previous debates go to TomWoods.com.

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Did Trump land a knockout blow in last night’s debate? For those of us wanting to see Clinton smashed on live TV, the answer — according to according to Lew Rockwell and me — is unfortunately not. Here’s our analysis, punchy as always, of what went down. Listen to the podcast For audio of the previous debates go to TomWoods.com. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest?

The post The Wicked Witch of Chappaqua appeared first on LewRockwell.

The best thing I can say about Disney’s Hall of Presidents is that it’s air conditioned. On a hot day a couple weeks ago when I was in town to speak at the Libertarian convention, we spent a day at Disney. (No kids this time.) I knew the Hall of Presidents would be horrifying, but the show was starting just as we walked by, and it was a hot day, so I figured what the heck. I didn’t plan to write about it, so I didn’t take notes. But here’s what I remember. The presidents, we were told, were our “leaders … Continue reading

The post All Hail the Overlords appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ll bet you know what I’m talking about. It’s antidiscrimination law, or “public accommodation.” Oh my goodness, do they not want to talk about that. Legalizing pot is A-OK, but if they said business owners shouldn’t be forced to engage in transactions against their will, they’d be off the 3×5 card of allowable opinion — and they’re going to hold on to that thing if it’s the last thing they do. Wouldn’t want the Fed chairman to stop accepting their speaking invitations, you understand. Yes, this is an unpopular position. But once we abandon the idea that property owners decide what takes place … Continue reading

The post Forget So-Called Religious Liberty Laws appeared first on LewRockwell.

Yesterday I wound up in a Twitter exchange with J.D. Tuccille of Reason magazine, which has long been supportive of New Mexico governor Gary Johnson. I was responding to a Tweet in which the Cato Institute’s David Boaz pointed out that Bill Weld, vice-presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, had praised his book back in 1997. (Yes, he tweeted that.) The exchange below begins with my reply to that Tweet. I reproduce the exchange below because it speaks volumes about the mentality of the Washington, DC libertarians. .@David_Boaz And then he had some kind words for John Kasich. Beltway libertarianism … Continue reading

The post The Mentality of Beltway Libertarians appeared first on LewRockwell.

Here’s your shocker for the day: The neoconservatives are lying. Now before I tell you how I figured that out — apart from the fact that their lips are moving — I need to begin by parrying any manifestations of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I do not support or endorse Donald Trump, who is not a libertarian and who appears to have no clear philosophy of any kind. He would no doubt do countless things that I would deplore. Just like all the other candidates, in other words. My point is not to cheer for him. My point is that the … Continue reading

The post They’re Lying About Why They Hate Trump appeared first on LewRockwell.

The debate was much more serious this time around than it was last time, and Lew believes it’s because the candidates see the writing on the wall and want to go out with dignity. Whatever the motivation, it’s still good fodder for Lew and me, as we discuss the debate’s style and content, as well as some important news items related to the race. Don’t miss it! Listen to the podcast For audio of the previous debates go to TomWoods.com.

The post Send Out the Clowns appeared first on LewRockwell.

In last night’s debate (March 3, 2016), Trump suffered blows at the hands of moderators and candidates alike, and didn’t respond well. Some very lively exchanges occurred, just as they did last time. Lew Rockwell and I give you the details and our thoughts. Listen to the podcast For audio of the previous debates go to TomWoods.com.

The post What Can We Do But Laugh? appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Houston GOP debate on February 25, 2016, was the most contentious one yet, with attacks and crosstalk galore. The best part, of course, is the next day, when Lew Rockwell and I get to chat about it! Here’s our conversation and analysis. Listen to the podcast For audio of the previous debates go to TomWoods.com.

The post Laughing at Power Lust appeared first on LewRockwell.

Lew Rockwell joins me for more debate analysis, this time of the February 13th, 2016 debate in South Carolina. Unlike some previous debates, plenty of controversy and fireworks in this one. Enjoy! Listen to the podcast For audio of the previous debates go to TomWoods.com.

The post The Death of the Establishment? appeared first on LewRockwell.