Submitted by Sean Adl-Tabatabai via, Fukushima radiation just off the North American coast is higher now than it has ever been, and government scientists and mainstream press are scrambling to cover-up and downplay the ever-increasing deadly threat that looms for millions of Americans.  Following the March 2011 meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, reactors have sprayed immeasurable amounts of radioactive material into the air, most of which settled into the Pacific Ocean. A study by the American Geophysical Union has found that radiation levels from Alaska to California have increased and continue to increase since they were last taken. … Continue reading

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The Middle East is fertile ground for conspiracy theories, and one growing to towering heights these days says the US created the Islamic State.  But while the US may well have aided ISIS in its formative days with covert supplies of weapons and CIA funding (directly or indirectly, via Turkey leading political families) the one nation most responsible for iteration after iteration of “terrorist organizations” is Saudi Arabia which “created” not only the Islamic State, but al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and many other Sunni Jihadist groups in Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan. The US has long been aware of this, of … Continue reading

The post ISIS, al Qaeda, and the CIA appeared first on LewRockwell.

Two things happened after the most recent widely publicized US mass shootings/domestic terrorism acts: i) Obama once again made a concerted effort to push for gun-control, and ii) gun sales soared to record highs for November most likely in response to i). As we reported in September, citing the FT, “gun sales this year could surpass the record set in 2013, when gun purchases surged after the December 2012 Sandy Hook murders.” And given that Black Friday background checks broke all previous records, it appears we are well on our way. … the calls for tighter gun laws lead to … Continue reading

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At this point, it’s abundantly clear that the US is on the wrong side in the Mid-East. Washington has always resorted to covert operations and support for unsavory characters on the way to bringing about regime change in countries whose governments aren’t deemed conducive to American interests. That’s nothing new. Usually, however, there’s at least a semi-plausible argument to be made for why Washington feels the need to support one side over the other. In Syria, there’s no such argument. The idea that the Russians and Iranians represent a bigger to the world than ISIS doesn’t even make sense to … Continue reading

The post Turkey Is Guilty appeared first on LewRockwell.

When earlier today we read a report in the Greek Enikonomia, according to which Greek taxpayers would be forced to declare all cash “under the mattress” (including inside) or boxes that contain more than 15,000 euros as well as jewelry and precious stones (including gold) worth over 30,000 euros, starting in 2016, we assumed this has to be some early April fools joke or a mistake. After all, this would be merely the first step toward full-blown asset confiscation, conducted so many times by insolvent governments throughout history, once the government cracks down on those who made a “mistake” in … Continue reading

The post The Banksters Must Be Paid appeared first on LewRockwell.

For those of a cynical persuasion, it’s difficult to ignore the similarities between Islamic State’s brand of puritanical Islam and Saudi Arabia’s propagation of Wahhabism. Put simply, indoctrinating the masses with an ultra orthodox ideal that breeds intolerance sows the seeds of extremism and on that score, Riyadh and Raqqa are really no different. Indeed, Kamel Daoud, a columnist for Quotidien d’Oran, and the author of “The Meursault Investigation” recently described the Saudis as “an ISIS that made it.” Still, the US (and the international community in general) turns a blind eye to the problem and Washington counts Riyadh as … Continue reading

The post The Ayatollah’s Interesting Letter appeared first on LewRockwell.

Russia’s Sergey Lavrov is not one foreign minister known to mince his words. Just earlier today, 24 hours after a Russian plane was brought down by the country whose president three years ago said “a short-term border violation can never be a pretext for an attack”, had this to say: “We have serious doubts this was an unintended incident and believe this is a planned provocation” by Turkey. But even that was tame compared to what Lavrov said to his Turkish counterparty Mevlut Cavusoglu earlier today during a phone call between the two (Lavrov who was supposed to travel to Turkey … Continue reading

The post Who Funds ISIS for the US, Turkey, France, and Israel? appeared first on LewRockwell.

On Saturday, the day after the massacre in France which turned the streets of Paris into a warzone and left some 130 civilians dead, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had a message for the West. While condemning the attacks and branding the perpetrators “savages”, he was also quick to note that Syria has been dealing with this brand of terrorism for nearly five years straight. In what amounted to an “I told you so” moment, Assad also said the following: “We said, don’t take what is happening in Syria lightly. Unfortunately, European officials did not listen.”  Assad also took the opportunity … Continue reading

The post There’s No Such Thing as ISIS appeared first on LewRockwell.

One thing that became abundantly clear after Alexis Tsipras sold out the Greek referendum “no” back in the summer after a weekend of “mental waterboarding” in Brussels was that the public’s perception of the once “revolutionary” leader would never be the same. And make no mistake, that’s exactly what Berlin, Brussels, and the IMF wanted. By turning the screws on the Greek banking sector and bringing the country to the brink of ruin, the troika indicated its willingness to “punish” recalcitrant politicians who pursue anti-austerity policies. On the one hand, countries have an obligation to pay back what they owe, … Continue reading

The post Civil Unrest? appeared first on LewRockwell.

In a time where college students are offended by pretty much everything, The Federalist Papers reports that one professor at UNC-Wilmington decided to cut through the rhetoric and let his students know that they aren’t the special snowflakes liberals and their parents would have them believe. His epic class introduction has gone viral, and for good reason: this is the most common sense lecture to come out of any college in a long time. Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address … Continue reading

The post PC Is Ruining America appeared first on LewRockwell.

That didn’t take long: following the worst Russian airplane disaster in history, the question everyone was asking is who is responsible. Moments ago we may have gotten the answer. A militant group affiliated to Islamic State in Egypt claimed responsibility for the downing of a Russian passenger plane that crashed in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula on Saturday, the group said in a statement circulated by supporters on Twitter. Below is the full statement from a group alleging to speak on behalf of Islamic State, posted on their affiliate site, translated by the Guardian’s Jahd Khalil. It offers no evidence that the … Continue reading

The post Did the Empire Just Start Another World War? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Back in 1999, a quarter of all 25-year-olds lived with their parents. By 2013 this number has doubled, and currently half of young adults live in their parents home. While the troubling implications for the economy from this startling increase are self-evident, and have been extensively discussed both here and elsewhere (and are among the key factors pushing both the US and global economy into secular stagnation), a just as important question is why are increasingly more young adults still living at home. While we admit there is something morbidly grotesque in none other than the Fed taking an active … Continue reading

The post 50% of 25 Yr-Olds Live in the Folks Basement appeared first on LewRockwell.

Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne’s crusade against naked short sellers in particular, and Wall Street and the Federal Reserve in general, has long been known and thoroughly documented (most recently with his push to use blockchain technology to revolutionize the multi-trillion repo market). But little did we know that Overstock’s Chairman Jonathan Johnson is as vocal an opponent of the fiat system, and Wall Street’s tendency to create bubble after bubble, if not more than Byrne himself.  That, and that his company actually puts its money where its gold-backed money is and in preparation for the next upcoming crash, has taken … Continue reading

The post Prepares for the Collapse appeared first on LewRockwell.

When it comes to assets, economists, Wall Street, and central planners love them all… except one: gold. Forget about Bernanke’s hilarious sworn testimony that gold has “value only due to tradition”, and recall Mario Draghi’s QE announcement in December 2014 when asked what sorts of assets should be included in QE, his response: “we discussed all assets BUT gold.” Well of course the ECB will never buy gold – by its very nature, the precious metal stands for everything the legacy insolvent regime patched together with the superglue of money printing central-bankers, hates: prudent use of money and leverage, living … Continue reading

Sometimes less is more (less good data is moar good for stocks) and in the case of Marc Faber’s recent appearance on Bloomberg’s “What’d You Miss”, 66 seconds of honesty was all that the hosts could take. The Gloom, Boom & Doom report editor notes “we have had a meaningful decline in many stocks already,” and warns it is far from over as market face two possibilities of “longer-term unattractiveness”: “a 1987-style collapse,” or a 1973-74-style slow “sliding slope of hope.” In the full interview, Faber goes into more detail on the world’s deflationary pressures amid “colossal financial asset inflation.” … Continue reading