One week after RealVision brought us the latest Jeff Gundlach interview, in which the DoubleLine bond king explained why he is now “100% net short”, on Friday Grant Williams interviewed Jim Rogers, in which George Soros’ former partner (the two co-founded the Quantum Fund in 1973), is about as gloomy, warning “the next time the world comes to an end, it’s going to be a bigger shock than we expect.” Nonetheless, since an interview talking about canned foods, radioactive fallout shelter and guns would be relatively brief, Rogers presents several non-traditional ideas, most notably as relates to various frontier markets he … Continue reading

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Originally posted at, Scandal: Leaked documents released a few days ago provide juicy insider details of how a fabulously rich businessman has been using his money to influence elections in Europe, underwrite an extremist group, target U.S. citizens who disagreed with him, dictate foreign policy, and try to sway a Supreme Court ruling, among other things.Pretty compelling stuff, right? Not if it involves leftist billionaire George Soros. In this case, the mainstream press couldn’t care less. On Saturday, a group called DC Leaks posted more than 2,500 documents going back to 2008 that it pilfered from Soros’ Open Society … Continue reading

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Submitted by Christoph Gisiger via Finanz und Wirtschaft, James Grant, Wall Street expert and editor of the investment newsletter «Grant’s Interest Rate Observer», warns of a crash in sovereign debt, is puzzled over the actions of the Swiss National Bank and bets on gold. From multi-billion bond buying programs to negative interest rates and probably soon helicopter money: Around the globe, central bankers are experimenting with ever more extreme measures to stimulate the sluggish economy. This will end in tears, believes James Grant. The sharp thinking editor of the iconic Wall Street newsletter «Grant’s Interest Rate Observer» is one of … Continue reading

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Beverly Hills Billionaires Stewart and Lynda Resnick control an agricultural empire in the Central Valley of California which Forbes values at $4.2BN.  According to an article recently published by Mother Jones, the Beverly Hills based couple bought their first acres of ag land in 1978 as an inflation hedge.  Within 20 years the Resnicks had grown to be the largest producer/packager of almonds and pistachios in the world with 130,000 acres of land in the Central Valley and nearly $5BN in annual sales.  You’re all probably familiar with some of their brands: But 130,000 acres of permanent crops requires a … Continue reading

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Just to prove the US isn’t the only place where governments seek to cure symptoms rather than diseases for political benefit, Venezuela’s Interior Minister, Nestor Reverol, launched a campaign in Caracas to “disarm” citizens in an effort to curb rampant violence.  Venezuela has the world’s second-highest murder rate which Reverol attributes, at least in part, to heavily armed gangs roaming the streets with guns that they apparently acquire from “corrupt” police officers.  To address the violent crime issue, Venezuela has decided to chop up over 2,000 shotguns and pistols and laser tag ammunition as apparently the majority of ammunition used … Continue reading

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In the two days since the Soros Open Society Foundation hack by the DCLeaks collective, several notable revelations have emerged among the data dump of over 2,500 documents exposing the internal strategy of the organization, which expose some of Soros’ tactics to influence and benefit from Europe’s refugee crisis, the opportunistic funding and influence of media organizations, providing cash for assorted “pro-democracy” groups including the infamous La Raza, Soros’ funding of various “social justice” organizations while paying to track unfavorable media coverage including that of Pamela Geller. One particular leaked memo, profiled earlier by the Daily Caller, argues that Europe’s … Continue reading

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Authored by Judy Shelton, originally posted Op-Ed via The Wall Street Journal, The source of trade anxiety is a broken global monetary system that distorts price signals with sharp currency moves. The surest way to become alienated from Donald Trump supporters is to invoke the word “global” with regard to trade or economic interests. Even if you embrace the Trump economic agenda for enhancing U.S. competitiveness by lowering taxes and easing regulation, even if you support an “America First” approach for tackling domestic shortcomings from education to infrastructure – there is still a negative stigma attached to proposing any kind … Continue reading

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Revolution is closer than you think… Following Angela Merkel’s earlier calls for German CEOs to hire refugees, and as Martin Armstrong notes, Germany has raided its healthcare funds to support the refugee crisis… The government passed a law that allows them to take 1.5 billion euros from the liquidity reserve of the public health care fund (10 billion euros in total, paid by all members and additionally by the taxpayer) and to give that money to refugees / asylum seekers. What would you call this? Insane? We thought a reminder of the tensions that are bubbling under the surface in … Continue reading

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For most millennial college grads the idea of buying a home right out of college is a bit far fetched.  Many millennials have taken to moving back in with mom as we pointed out in a post entitled ““We All Work As A Team” – Millennials Explain How It’s Going Living ‘Rent-Free’ At Home.”  The trend actually so pervasive that home builders are even designing new homes with a master suite in the basement for returning millennials to have their own little “safe space.”  According to a local builder in the Chicago area: “For a mere $35,000-plus, the plan can … Continue reading

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Is this the reason why Mark Carney went Full “shock-and-awe”-tard this morning? Households may have started to hoard their cash, with new figures showing that the amount of money being kept outside Britain’s banking system is now rising at the fastest rate since the financial crisis. As Sky News reports, in the weeks following the EU referendum, the rate at which households and businesses built up holdings of UK banknotes and coins rose above 8% a year for the first time since 2009, according to a Sky News analysis of Bank of England statistics. The growth rate of cash in … Continue reading

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Over a year before Edward Snowden shocked the world in the summer of 2013 with revelations that have since changed everything from domestic to foreign US policy but most of all, provided everyone  a glimpse into just what the NSA truly does on a daily basis, a former NSA staffer, and now-famous whistleblower, William Binney, gave excruciating detail to Wired magazine about all that Snowden would substantiate the following summer. We covered it in a 2012 post titled “We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State” – Big Brother Goes Live September 2013.”Not surprisingly, Binney received little attention in … Continue reading

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After today’s uneventful Fed announcement, all eyes turn to the BOJ where many anticipate some form of “helicopter money” is about to be unveiled in Japan by the world’s most experimental central bank. However, as Nomura’s Richard Koo warns, central banks may get much more than they bargained for, because helicopter money “probably marks the end of the road for believers in the omnipotence of monetary policy who have continued to press for further accommodation in the midst of a balance sheet recession, when such policies simply cannot work.” As he continues, believers “have doggedly insisted that it is possible … Continue reading

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In yet another awkward moment for Democratic talking-point-providers and Trump-deniers, Wikileaks’ leaked DNC emails turned up an interesting factual confirmation of Trump’s ‘conspiracy theory’ questions about Ted Cruz’s father’s background… “I will note that Cruz’s father was in fact a militant who fought the Batista regime (which Fidel Castro defeated) and it would not be unusual for him to be caught up in the ugly web of Cuban militants with questionable histories.” Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? Here is Luis Miranda – DNC Communications Director – reflecting on Trump’s various … Continue reading

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One day after Ted Cruz refused to endorse Donald Trump in a speech that has since been defined as a historic, once-in-a-generation event, and yet one which supposedly Trump had vetted in advance, Donald Trump went on the war path against Cruz. At a convention farewell event in Cleveland with running mate Mike Pence, Trump said he doesn’t want Cruz’s endorsement, blamed the Texas senator for making their wives fair political game, and said he had nothing to do with a conspiracy theory he promoted in the primary, that Cruz’s father had been seen with President John F. Kennedy’s assassin, … Continue reading

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Yesterday, we warned “EU is nothing without Britain,” and it seems that is being borne out by today’s price action. There are two big losers from the Brits’ decision to “Leave” – UK Billionaires… and the rest of Europe. First of all, UK stocks dropped almost 3% today – no doubt an ugly day – but look at the complete catastrophe across The EU… Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest?   In fact the British stock market is the best performing European stock market today. But there is an even bigger … Continue reading

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