The Police Threat Is Too High
Paul Craig Roberts | Any encounter between the public and the police is more than 20 times more dangerous for the public than for the police.
Paul Craig Roberts | Any encounter between the public and the police is more than 20 times more dangerous for the public than for the police.
As I was wrapping up my travels in Asia, an extremely sad event unfolded in Paris during which 12 people were murdered at the office of satire magazine Charlie Hebdo. Just four days later, another sad and pathetic event occurred.…
Ron Paul | All liberties in America today are under siege.
Reuters | To build a snowman was to create an image of a human being, an action considered sinful under strict interpretation of Sunni Islam… | Caseworkers used loopholes to omit cases of indirect maltreatment.
International Business Times | Yanukovych fled Ukraine as violence broke out in Kiev’s Independence.
The Globe and Mail | “We must look evil in the eye and call it by its name – jihadist terrorism,” said federal Finance Minister.
Biotech takeover spreads to war-torn country.
False flag operations in Europe to create hatred against Muslims.
Euro News | Troops being deployed to train stations, shopping centers, and areas of high pedestrian density…
CBS St. Louis | Users who were unable to answer their ringing iPhones while solving simple word search puzzles saw increases in their heart rates and blood pressure.
Washington Times | 25 states detail financial burdens resulting from non-deportation order in lawsuit.
Financial Times | “Because of the great potential of AI, it is important to research how to reap its benefits while avoiding potential pitfalls…”
We should consider all assumptions at this stage.
AFP | Crossed into Syria on January 8, according to phone records.