‘While taking up occupancy of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, protestors reportedly gained access to sensitive information stored on the computers there, revealing sinister plans by the BLM to confiscate privately owned land before auctioning it off corporate interests, according a source who requested anonymity. In an effort to suppress this information, the FBI is […]

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‘There couldn’t be a more pertinent backdrop to this article than the soci0-religious marriage taking place on the world stage right now. The Jesuit Pope endorsing these global social engineering programs disguised as caring for an ailing planet is a perfect example of mass manipulation using religious mindsets and attachments is a clear demonstration of […]

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The post The Richie Allen Show on Davidicke.com: Zen Gardner – ‘Agenda 21, Taking Private Land, Moving People Off & Into Massive Population Centres’ appeared first on David Icke.

‘State officials in California are preparing to “acquire” – the legal name for “steal,” when a government does it – hundreds of farms in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta for a controversial, multi-billion-dollar underground water tunnel proposed by Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown. Using eminent domain law as their legal basis, according to documents obtained by […]

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On September 25th, Pope Francis will address the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. To much fanfare, the Pope will celebrate the unveiling of the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. A key plank of this agenda relates to the UN’s “Sustainable

‘From November 30th to December 11th of 2015, a consortium of world “leaders” from 190 countries will gather in Paris, France as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The occasion? The much maligned Neomalthusian “environmental” program, known as “Agenda 21” by its original visionaries as well as its opponents, will be […]

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‘The federal government once more dramatically increased its land holdings at the expense of states in recent days, as noted by a White House announcement that said President Obama has used the century-old Antiquities Act again to designate three new national monuments totaling 1 million acres. In particular, as reported by the San Jose Mercury […]

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The National Park system is broke, argues Reed Watson, the executive director at the Koch-backed Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) in an op-ed, so the only thing to do about it is stop creating national parks. Because, of course, actually funding them is out of the question. “True conservation is taking care of the […]

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‘In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews whistleblower and researcher Richard Grove of TragedyandHope.com. Richard describes how the TPP really comes from the agenda of secret societies.’

The post How The TPP Came From The U.N and Agenda 21 appeared first on David Icke.