Mark Crispin Miller, a professor at New York University, explains how US elections are stolen:
He outlines what can be done, but those in power will not do it. Revolution is probably the only…

How Voting Machines Are Programmed In Order To Steal Elections Americans are being told by “experts” (read “Hillary supporters”) that election fraud in the US is rare. They are also being misinformed that voting fraud would be detected. The fact of the matter is, as has now been proven, that no vast conspiracy is required.…

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Jury Rejects Federal Case Against Malheur Wildlife Refuge Defandants From this account in the Voice of Idaho, it seems the Feds took out their loss on the defendants’ attorney: “Ammon Bundy’s attorney Marcus Mumford sought the release of Ammon Bundy based upon the verdict of not guilty.  The Federal Marshals refused to release him.…

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Amerika’s Killer Cops Are On A Rampage Murdering Everyone In Sight How does “freedom and democracy” have public murderers who murder at will?

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Amerika’s Killer Cops Can’t Stop Murdering Perhaps the idiots who call police on unwell people should be arrested as partners in murder.

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