‘In uncertain times, “cash is king,” but central bankers are systematically moving to eliminate that option. Is it really about stimulating the economy? Or is there some deeper, darker threat afoot? Remember those old ads showing a senior couple lounging on a warm beach, captioned “Let your money work for you”? Or the scene in […]

The post Hang Onto Your Wallets: Negative Interest Rates, the War on Cash, and the $10 Trillion Bail-in appeared first on David Icke.

‘Greece’s battered banks are set to provide the first major test for the eurozone’s new “bail-in” rules as authorities race to avoid depositors footing a €15bn bill to get the country back on its feet. With Greeks heading to the polls on Sunday, private sector creditors face uncertainty over whether they will be forced to […]

The post Battered Greek banks to flout Brussels new ‘bail-in’ rules appeared first on David Icke.

‘The world is awash with “promises”. Nearly everything we think of as having “value” is because of a promise behind it. A few examples; your bank accounts, retirement funds, bonds and even the dollar bills in your pocket. Your bank account for example, once you deposit the money it is no longer yours. You can […]

The post The Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Debt and the ‘Bail-in’: When you Deposit Funds in a Bank, it Becomes ‘Their Money’ appeared first on David Icke.

Bail-Ins Coming To Greece and Indebted Western Nations – Question Is When? – Governments move toward ever greater financial repression – Repression includes suppression of rates, capital controls, outlawing of cash and bail-ins – Finance ministers discuss cashless society, giving

Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash – Restrictions on borrowing to speculate were eased in 2010 – Middle class savers gradually saturated the market trading on leverage – Market crash began as government tried

Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash – Restrictions on borrowing to speculate were eased in 2010 – Middle class savers gradually saturated the market trading on leverage – Market crash began as government tried

Faber: “Wake Up, People of the World! Greece will Come to You …Very Soon” – World is “over-indebted”, Mark Faber tells Bloomberg – “Defaults will follow or they will have to create very high inflation rates” – Greece will leave

Global Debt Time Bomb Ticks – Puerto Rico Is Next – Puerto Rico Governor says island cannot pay its $72 billion debt – Puerto Rico debt 15 times per capita median debt of the 50 U.S. states – Complicated arrangements

Greece Shows Importance of Gold as Europeans Buy Coins and Bars – Demand for physical gold from Europeans surges – Greek ATMs limit withdrawals to €60 per day – Greeks panic buy food, fuel and medicine – European elites threaten

Grexit?, BIS Warning, Chinese Market Crash & Systemic Risk Shake the Global Economy – Persistent low rates leave central banks with no ammunition to fight next crisis – BIS says short-sighted central banks and governments contributed to current weaknesses –

Not Owning Gold Bullion Shows “Ignorance of Monetary History” – “Gold remains in secular bull market” – System is addicted to unsustainable debt – Persistent deflationary forces threaten system  – Monetary authorities to take increasingly risky measures to engender inflation

“They Can’t Print Money Forever” – Ron Paul – Former U.S. Congressman blasts Fed’s role in markets – Gives scathing analysis of modern economics and markets – Highlights complete disregard of economic fundamentals in investment decisions today – As will

“They Can’t Print Money Forever” – Ron Paul – Former U.S. Congressman blasts Fed’s role in markets – Gives scathing analysis of modern economics and markets – Highlights complete disregard of economic fundamentals in investment decisions today – As will

“Being Fed Rubbish Re Gold” and “Complacency Rules… For Now” – GoldCore interview with Kerry Lutz on the Financial Survival Network – Gradual realisation that central bank “masters of the universe” -“We all know that bad stuff is going to

“Being Fed Rubbish Re Gold” and “Complacency Rules… For Now” – GoldCore interview with Kerry Lutz on the Financial Survival Network – Gradual realisation that central bank “masters of the universe” -“We all know that bad stuff is going to