‘Taoiseach Enda Kenny has been accused of ‘telling a tall tale’ and called on to make a statement to the Dáil over his claim he was told to call in the army to protect ATMs. Mr Kenny yesterday said he had not received a specific briefing on the issue despite telling a political conference in […]

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‘State Street, the second oldest financial institution in the US has started to charge customers for large deposits. With assets under management totaling 243.291 billion State Street joins JP Morgan in the war on cash according to this WSJ report: U.S. banks are going to new lengths to ward off a surprising threat to their […]

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‘In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert ask whether we can trust the algo and bot owners to share some of the wealth after they’ve looted every last penny from all the pension funds and savings accounts on Earth. They look at the cartels at the heart of each and […]

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‘An American writer in Washington, DC says economic downturns are not “organic happenstance” but they are orchestrated by international bankers to plunder the public. “When the economy crashes people don’t have the money to pay their bills and their loans. When this happens, real material wealth is transferred to these very same banks through foreclosures […]

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‘The whole system is built on fraud, it is threatening to topple at any moment, and there is no telling exactly when that moment will be. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men could continue to prop it up for years, but sooner or later, it will crumble, then collapse, and take down […]

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‘The Bank of England may need to push its interest rates into negative territory to fight off the next recession, its chief economist has said. Andy Haldane, one of the Bank’s nine interest rate setters, made the case for the “radical” option of supporting the economy with negative interest rates, and even suggested that cash […]

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‘Greece’s battered banks are set to provide the first major test for the eurozone’s new “bail-in” rules as authorities race to avoid depositors footing a €15bn bill to get the country back on its feet. With Greeks heading to the polls on Sunday, private sector creditors face uncertainty over whether they will be forced to […]

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‘Banks are refusing to pay compensation to card fraud victims based on nothing more than a “hunch”, while others are forced to wait longer than four weeks to get their money back. An investigation by Which? showed that banks are “inconsistent” when it comes to handling fraud claims. Its survey of over 3,300 people showed […]

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‘Shares and stocks are tumbling around the world, with investors worried that the next global crisis has already begun. There is considerable uncertainty and nervousness amongst economists and trend forecasters. Government’s sooth jittery markets with misinformation in the hope that confidence does not evaporate and their legitimacy with it. If another crisis gets underway – […]

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‘In April it was announced that Greece was imposing a surcharge for all cash withdrawals from bank accounts to deter citizens from clearing out their accounts. So now the Greeks will have to pay one euro per 1,000 euros that they withdraw, which is one-tenth of a percent. It doesn’t seem very big, but the […]

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‘Financial penalties expected to hit British banks for Forex rigging will do little to tackle financial crime in the City of London as regulators continue to prioritize high finance over ordinary citizens, experts warn. British banks could be fined billions in coming months as investors pursue them for rigging foreign exchange (Forex) rates, following a […]

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‘You can stop waiting for a global financial crisis to happen.  The truth is that one is happening right now.  All over the world, stock markets are already crashing.  Most of these stock market crashes are occurring in nations that are known as “emerging markets”.  In recent years, developing countries in Asia, South America and […]

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‘Tom Hayes was, no doubt about it, something of an oddball. Every office has one. Usually it’s a bloke: someone good at his job, perhaps, and so grudgingly tolerated, but never quite one of the lads. Maybe his work colleagues snigger at him behind his back, as they did with Hayes. They called him Tommy […]

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‘The Greek stock market dived more than 20 percent on Monday immediately after opening, with the Athex Composite down to 615.12. Piraeus Bank and the National Bank of Greece both plunged 30 percent, the maximum allowed. Banks account for about one-fifth of the main Athens index.’ Read more: Greek stock exchange plummets 23% as it reopens […]

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