‘The federal government’s ‘no jab, no pay’ law has sparked a rush on vaccines as parents fear missing out on welfare benefits. Under the vaccination policy, which came into effect on January 1, parents will lose the Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement and childcare subsidies if their child is not up to date with […]

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‘The parents of a teenage ­quadruple amputee have accused benefits bosses of being “heartless” for threatening to stop his money. Edward Bright lost his arms and legs to meningitis, aged seven, and his family have since claimed £388-a-month Disability Living Allowance on his behalf. After he turned 16 last month, the wheelchair-bound youngster had to […]

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David Cameron who pledged that he would stop migrants sending child benefits home to their originating countries as part of the Tory election manifesto has now renaged on his promises once again. Read more: Cameron backtracks on another election pledge: Migrants to be allowed to send child benefits back home

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Talks between Cameron and the EU have become deadlocked over the issues of immigration and benefits so he is making a last ditch attempt to secure his reforms in a dialogue with Jean Claude Juncker. Read more: Cameron’s last ditch attempt to persuade Junker on EU reform

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‘Prime Minister David Cameron appears to have no evidence to support his claim that Britain’s benefit system attracts EU migrants to the UK, according to a Tory minister’s statement. Former Labour leader Lord Kinnock requested the government release the “factual evidence” it has to prove EU migrants move to Britain to claim benefits. In his […]

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‘There is a war on, and it concerns the homeless’ right to sleep. Across the United States, recent years have seen a spate of municipal laws that criminalize the act of sleeping in public places. These laws often target the act of sleeping in private vehicles under the guise of “anti-camping” legislation. The problem is, […]

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‘Thousands of teenage migrants in Britain could be denied state benefits as soon as they turn 18 in the hope they’ll be forced to leave the country. The Immigration Bill amendment came as Germany announced a huge cash injection to help refugees. Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged to give an extra £12.5 billion (US$18.5 billion) to […]

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‘Britain’s poorest households are bracing themselves for some of deepest cuts we have ever seen, with Labour warning that George Osborne is seeking nothing less than the complete dismantling of the welfare state. The Chancellor is said to be preparing a devastating myriad of cuts to benefits and vital services for some of the poorest […]

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‘The Conservative Government has been challenged to let experts analyse the effects of its policies on benefit claimants, following the publication of – extremely limited – mortality figures in August. Disability studies specialist and disability activist Samuel Miller has written to Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, and employment minister Priti Patel, asking whether […]

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‘Today marks 100 days since David Cameron recorded a shock victory at the general election to deliver the first majority Conservative government in 18 years. As politicians, civil servants, pundits and the nation braced themselves for another hung parliament and the potential for weeks of coalition negotiations, some doubted whether a government would have even […]

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‘Some people on tax credits will keep only 7p of every extra pound they earn following the cuts announced in last month’s Budget, a new analysis has revealed. The finding by officials in the House of Commons Library could put a question mark over George Osborne’s claim that his measures will “make work pay.” Labour […]

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‘Overweight people who refuse to lose weight could see their benefits worth around £100 a week cut or suspended, David Cameron will announce. “We must look at what we do when people simply say no thanks and refuse that help but expect taxpayers to carry on funding their benefits,” he will tell reporters during a […]

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‘Cash-strapped councils have been forced to scrap social care for 150,000 vulnerable pensioners and cut child protection spending by 8 percent since 2010, new analysis shows. As austerity remains firmly on the government’s agenda, local authority services have been discarded and state entitlements have shifted dramatically. Detailed analysis of council spending conducted by the Financial […]

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‘Single parents on benefits will be forced to look for work when their youngest child reaches the age of three, or face losing their state hand-outs, under new welfare laws. At present, parents – including lone mothers and fathers – are entitled to receive benefits without conditions being attached until their children start school aged […]

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