‘Once again, the Associated Press provides a blatantly slanted news report on Israel-Palestine. The problem is, AP’s slant is only blatant to those who know the full facts. This is the article that hundreds of newspaper wire editors around the US, most of whom have never visited the region and whose information comes largely from […]

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‘According to an item on Liveleak the BBC has just wiped from its website hundreds of comments that criticised the accuracy of its reporting on the Syrian crisis. Those presently campaigning to “save the BBC” might want to reflect this is a state-controlled broadcasting outlet which has consistently presented pro-government propaganda to the point of […]

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‘Last month, 250,000 party members voted Jeremy Corbyn leader of the Labour party, ‘the largest mandate ever won by a Party Leader’. The combined might of the political and media establishment had fought and lost its Stalingrad, having bombarded Corbyn with every conceivable smear in a desperate attempt to wreck his reputation with the British […]

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‘Anyone who has failed to notice the incredibly biased mainstream media coverage of Jeremy Corbyn’s exponential rise in popularity is either someone who shuns mainstream media entirely, or the kind of absurdly gullible fool who rote learns all of their political opinions from the mainstream media without subjecting any of it to even the most […]

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‘David Cameron has a week to avoid his first defeat since the election after Tory rebels vowed to join Labour and call for a ban on spending taxpayer money on keeping Britain in Europe. On the first day back from the summer break, Eurosceptic Conservatives plan to vote for a Labour amendment barring public spending […]

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‘BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson condemned last year’s street protests against his Scottish independence referendum coverage. He said British society should not accept “intimidation and bullying” of journalists because of political differences. Robinson, who will soon leave BBC News to join Radio 4’s Today program, was accused of having a pro-union bias during his coverage […]

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‘Everybody I know was watching the Republican debate tonight, wanting to find out who might stand out from the crowd. But the one thing that really stood out was the total fraud of what Fox News pulled off. It was clear from the first five minutes that Fox News had pre-arranged softball questions for Jeb […]

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‘How adequately and respectfully are public concerns about genetic modification in food and farming represented by the BBC? A recent BBC Panorama programme, entitled GM Food – Cultivating Fear, suggested that opposition to GMOs is “morally unacceptable” and that those who oppose GMOs are prone to “making things up” instead of relying on facts and […]

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‘Conservative Party’s war with the BBC stepped up a notch yesterday after Nick Robinson claimed that David Cameron threatened to “close down” the Corporation. Mr Robinson, the BBC’s political editor, said that Mr Cameron had made the incendiary comments to journalists while travelling on his “battle bus” ahead of the general election. Downing Street yesterday […]

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‘The Greek authorities want to investigate alleged misconduct by a number of journalists who attended seminars organized by the IMF and were allegedly instructed to promote the organization’s advice to Greece. The accusations were voiced by Greece’s former representative to the International Monetary Fund Panagiotis Roumeliotis, who testified Tuesday in front of a special parliamentary […]

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‘The BBC could be legally compelled to remain impartial throughout Britain’s EU referendum campaign, following new broadcast regulations tabled by backbench MPs. Backbench Tory MPs including Bill Cash, John Redwood, Peter Bone and Christopher Chope […]