‘The Tories have quietly dropped a crackdown on fatcat bosses who preside over reckless behaviour in Britain’s banks. Labour and Lib Dem peers voiced their fury today after the move was slipped without fanfare into an obscure section of a new banking law. Lib Dem Baroness Kramer accused “outrageous” George Osborne of “buckling to pressure […]

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‘The G20 wants the world’s largest banks to raise as much as $1.1 trillion by 2022 in debt or other securities to prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis, according to the Financial Stability Board (FSB). The regulator which was created by the G20 countries in the aftermath of the crisis, on Monday published […]

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‘Three top Democrats are accusing the Department of Housing and Urban Development of quietly removing a key clause in its requirements for taxpayer-guaranteed mortgage insurance in order to spare two banks recently convicted of federal crimes from being frozen out of the lucrative market. HUD’s action is the latest in a series of steps by […]

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‘Wall Street’s role in our economy has come under intense scrutiny since the financial crisis, with many Americans believing that the industry has far too much influence over both our politics and our economy. Ryan Coonerty, the Supervisor of the Third District of Santa Cruz County, wrote to the rest of his fellow Supervisors in […]

The post Santa Cruz County Votes to Stop Doing Business with Five Huge Banks appeared first on David Icke.

‘After failing to criminally prosecute any of the financial firms responsible for the market collapse in 2008, former Attorney General Eric Holder is returning to Covington & Burling, a corporate law firm known for serving Wall Street clients. The move completes one of the more troubling trips through the revolving door for a cabinet secretary. […]

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Hillary Clinton’s promise to represent “everyday Americans” is completely at odds with her personal lifestyle, obsession with money, and the fact that her 2008 campaign was funded by giant transnational banks. Hillary’s presidential announcement was […]

Hillary Clinton’s promise to represent “everyday Americans” is completely at odds with her personal lifestyle, obsession with money, and the fact that her 2008 campaign was funded by giant transnational banks. Hillary’s presidential announcement was […]