Google is working on smart tattoos that, when applied to skin, will transform the human body into a living touchpad via embedded sensors Google is working on smart tattoos that, when applied to skin, will transform the human body into a living touchpad via embedded sensors. Part of Google Research, the wearable project is called “SkinMarks” that uses […]

One of the iconic moments from my Who Is Bill Gates? documentary is the clip of Gates at the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival discussing a proposal to increase funding for public education by diverting money from end-of-life care for the elderly and terminally ill. Lamenting the skyrocketing tuition rates for college students, Gates tells the Aspen Institute’s Walter Isaacson that, “That’s […]

An infographic from the Future of Privacy Forum describes how mobile devices such as smartphones interpret signals from their surroundings – including GPS satellites, cell towers, Wi-Fi networks, and Bluetooth – generate a precise location measurement (latitude and longitude). This measurement is provided by the mobile operating system to mobile apps through a Location Services API when […]

What Happened: A video circling around the internet about a group of doctors giving a press conference in the United States talking about the coronavirus and sharing their professional opinion has been deleted by social media platforms, and virtually wiped off the face of the internet. In the video, the doctors were promoting Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment/cure for COVID-19, suggesting that […]

Would you entrust your life to a car’s algorithmic intelligence? Would you curl up in the backseat and take a nap while your vehicle navigates hectic freeway traffic or busy intersections? Would you let your car be the designated driver while you have a night out on the town? According to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, […]

Pandemic maps are all the rage, these days, but the latest one from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a little different; instead of viral hotspots, it displays a plague of official snoopiness, arranged by location and sortable by technology. While it documents intrusions that predate the current crisis, the Atlas of Surveillance is all too relevant […]

Google search has blacklisted numerous major conservative websites by removing them from results in what appears to be a major new censorship purge. Breitbart, the Daily Caller, Infowars, Human Events and Red State are all missing when a user searches directly for those websites on Some of the sites have small link from their […]

‘In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and […]

Although written by Patrick Wood in 2005, nothing has changed to the historical fact of the Bank for International Settlements. It has nefarious roots and is the tap-root of modern globalization. Today, the BIS is getting headlines again because of its direction of central banks to go cashless. It is readily apparent that it has […]

Confirmation the programme breaches privacy regulations follows reports of patients’ confidential data being shared online. The government has admitted its contact tracing programme is unlawful in a legal letter which confirms it has been running in breach of data protection laws since it was launched in May. Confirmation the programme failed to adhere to privacy […]

We believe that the Govt has acted illegally and disproportionately over the COVID 19 lockdown and we are taking action.   ​By forcing people to stay at home, and forcing businesses to close, they are, we believe, in contravention of basic Human Rights offered under English Law, that of the right to enjoy your property […]

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly proliferating around the world. Startling developments keep emerging, from the onset of deep fake videos that blur the line between truth and falsehood, to advanced algorithms that can beat the best players in the world in multiplayer poker. Businesses harness AI capabilities to improve analytic processing; city […]

After several years of development Facebook’s networking division is finally getting the commercial UK launch of their new Terragraph wireless broadband technology off the ground. This uses a mesh of small cell style 60GHz (mmW) base stations to distribute a gigabit speed broadband ISP connection across communities. The idea of using the 60GHz millimeter Wave (mmW) band […]