‘The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has confirmed the traces of the sarin gas used in Syria are not linked with the Syrian government’s former stockpile of chemical weapons. The report corroborates the Syrian government’s assertions that the faction responsible for the chemical attack, as well as 11 other instances of chemical […]

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‘This is our second look at the work of Robert Stuart, concerning the BBC Panorama documentary Saving Syria’s Children. (go here for our first instalment). When did the alleged chemical attacks actually occur? Why do accounts of the timing differ so widely? And why did producer Darren Conway become defensive and incoherent when asked one […]

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‘The US and France have recently claimed that Daesh, also known as ISIL, is developing chemical weapons but these allegations should be cautiously considered since Washington has already used similar claims as a pretext for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, investigative journalist Janet Phelan warned. Syrian army soldiers patrol near a building previously used for […]

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‘Following the ISIS attack in Paris, France, the US and its allies are making further and more dramatic claims concerning ISIS’s capability to strike with deadly force. According to France, the US and others, ISIS is developing chemical weapons. Unnamed US official sources were quoted extensively in a recent AP article, stating that ISIS was […]

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‘In the wake of the Syrian chemical weapons attack, shocking footage of the victims of that attack were widely circulated in an effort to raise the ire of the public and spur support for military intervention. Now, a new report on that footage finds troubling inconsistencies and manipulation with the video that calls the official […]

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‘Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned against making ‘unfounded accusations’ regarding undeclared chemical weapons in Syria. Lavrov said in a statement on Sunday that the operation to remove chemical weapons stockpiles from Syria has been successful. “This problem was successfully resolved,” said Lavrov, adding, “We have every basis to consider that Syria will continue […]

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‘ISIL Takfiri terrorist group has used chemical weapons against Syrian Kurdish forces during a late June attack. The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday that the terror group has used the gas in an operation against fighters from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in 28 June, during an attack on the […]

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‘The US delegation to the UN revealed a draft resolution yesterday which calls on Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to form a Joint Investigative Mechanism with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to look into their use in Syria. The draft resolution aims to assemble an investigations team to determine the individuals, entities, groups or […]

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‘As Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was building up its chemical weapons arsenal with the help of a British firm, Margaret Thatcher’s government decided not to oppose it, fearing that otherwise it would be subjected to criticism. In the 1980s Iraq, which was engaged in a brutal war against neighboring Iran, was seeking to boost its […]

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‘Recently declassified documents reveal that Monsanto has provided both the Israeli and US militaries with white phosphorus as early as 2009. White phosphorus is a chemical weapon, which burns through nearly any surface and creates large clouds of toxic smoke.’ Exposure to this chemical can be potentially fatal or debilitating, but sadly it is not […]

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‘They say that ‘the road to tyranny is paved with good intentions’. That old adage couldn’t be more true today, despite all of our seemingly wonderful internet tools and ‘activist’ platforms online. Despite the lessons […]

‘US foreign policy is becoming so easy and predictable, even Derek Zoolander can do it. Two weeks ago, when discussing the relentless attempts to provoke, or at least greenlight another quasi war with Syria’s president […]

‘The government of Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region says it is in possession of evidence that shows the Takfiri ISIL terrorist group used chlorine gas against Peshmerga forces. The Security Council of Kurdistan Regional Government said […]