‘There is no future. There is only now. Looking to the future is perhaps one of the greatest tools of trickery the matrix of deceit employs to keep mankind in suspended animation. Every time I hear someone say “If this persists we’re not going to recognize the world around us in 20 years” or something […]

The post Futuretime – Masterstroke of Suspended Animation appeared first on David Icke.

“Great people invariably contain great contradictions, internal self-consistency has no virtue, it merely causes mediocrity. Rather we should strive to make the most of all the selves that we contain, for each can function as a god for a time if the ot…

During our recent breakfast meeting in Berkeley, author/blogger Jim Kunstler suggested that the coherence of eras waxed and waned, and the present era was incoherent. By this he meant the narratives being propagated by the status quo no longer align