‘Like many of you, I’m sick and tired of this pejorative label pasted flippantly onto anyone seriously challenging the status quo. There was a time this CIA conspiracy theorist tag, created to fend off questions about the JFK murder, was a marginalized stigmatization in itself used for specific targets, but now it’s used so widely […]

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‘The Southern Poverty Law Center blasted the thousands of parents with legitimate concerns over Common Core as “conspiracy theorists,” even though most criticism against Common Core is directed at its poor teaching methodologies. The controversial group claimed criticism of the federal public school program is based on “outlandish conspiracy theories” and “wildly untrue claims,” but […]

The post SPLC Calls Parents Against Common Core ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ appeared first on David Icke.

‘It’s not too often that you see the mainstream be honest about what it is that makes them mainstream. Media is big money and has significant influence in our lives, and at present a mere 6 corporations own 90% of all the media that makes it into your mediasphere. Voices critical of this power structure […]

The post The Brutally Honest Conspiracy Theory Cartoon that NBC Only Aired Once appeared first on David Icke.

‘There is a worrying and dangerous tendency in the UK to label as extremists anybody who poses a challenge and who wants to protest against the unfair economic system that exists in the UK, journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark told RT. City of London police have been attacked for pigeonholing an anti-capitalist group, alongside Al-Qaeda […]

The post New definition of extremist: ‘Anybody who challenges the established order’ appeared first on David Icke.

The treatment of “conspiracy theories” by the US intelligentsia is reminiscent of the Soviet commissions that labeled political dissidents mentally ill. ‘While psychiatry as a means of repressing political dissent was well-known for its use […]

What Lies behind the Anti ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ Discourse ‘The President of the French Republic, François Hollande, has assimilated what he calls “conspiracy theories” to Nazism and called to prevent their dissemination on the Internet and […]

‘Scientists have long wondered if life really does exist on Mars. And a new set of pictures released by NASA could appear to confirm conspiracy theorists’ claims that we are not alone in the universe. […]