Racial Segregation in Arizona Prisons Ended
Prisoners housed and assigned jobs based on race, barbers used separate tools cut hair of black, Latino and Native American inmates.
Prisoners housed and assigned jobs based on race, barbers used separate tools cut hair of black, Latino and Native American inmates.
Trump has all the momentum in the election.
The far left: very intolerant and want armed feds to tell other people how to live.
Sheriff David Clarke calls out Super Bowl half time show’s racist theme.
Bush tries to get tough with Donald and it comes back to bite him.
California DMV expects about 1.4 million will obtain license under law by late 2017.
The elite’s anti-prosperity rhetoric has opened the door for Trump.
One of the nation’s largest religious liberty law firms, threatened to file a federal lawsuit.
The Justice Department, however, has so far declined the request.
“The case is obviously not over. But it is still a good result…”
The White House declined to comment on Obama’s holdings.
Infowars reporter interviews a young man about the most recent RNC debate.
Plants used in bona fide religious ceremonies.
Establishment moves against Trump.
The Republican debates have wrapped up in New Hampshire.