‘This is our second look at the work of Robert Stuart, concerning the BBC Panorama documentary Saving Syria’s Children. (go here for our first instalment). When did the alleged chemical attacks actually occur? Why do accounts of the timing differ so widely? And why did producer Darren Conway become defensive and incoherent when asked one […]

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‘Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman has allegedly accused Israel of fabricating some recent stories about knife attacks against Jews in Israel, and claimed the Conservative party is influenced by “Jewish money,” in a speech at a pro-Palestine event at Parliament. As reported by The Jewish Chronicle, Kaufman, MP for Manchester Gorton and Father of the […]

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‘Mediapharmaphilia is a neologism this journalist has invented to describe the complex relationship that exists between the Television user and his drug of choice; a dependency which leaves the poor addict dazzled and bedraggled; subjected to spectacle; and above all else, beholden to the Dealer for future installments of TERROR. Like the erstwhile Media Sensation […]

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‘Adding to CNN’s Sizeable Dossier of Misreporting on the TWA Flight 800 Crash With stunning regularity, CNN’s reporters and producers have, for the last twenty years, egregiously misreported on the evidence and eyewitness accounts pertaining to TWA Flight 800. More recent crashes, this time Metrojet’s demise, are regularly seized upon to craft news packages in […]

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‘Since Russia began military operations in Syria against the terrorist proxy forces of NATO and the Gulf states, ubiquitous reports in the Western media have emerged which claim that Russia has killed and targeted civilians. Yet a large proportion of these news organisations that apparently are at the pinnacle of journalism in the West, are […]

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——————————————————————————————————————— David Icke: The Climate Change Scam, What its REALLY all about

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‘One man believes the Democrats will solve America’s problems, that climate change is the world’s greatest threat, and that social progress is paramount; while another believes Republicans trump Democrats, Liberals can’t be trusted, and that radical extremists are an omnipresent omniscient threat. (The only thing they both agree on is that we are in constant […]

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‘None of the seven terror plots foiled in the UK over the past year was directed from Syria, senior MPs have been told by security and intelligence sources. Despite David Cameron’s claim that the plots were ‘linked to’ or ‘inspired by’ ISIL, MPs have ascertained there is no evidence that any of them were actually […]

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‘Iain Duncan Smith has been forced to backtrack on claims that no one will be worse off under Universal Credit, it has been reported today. The Work and Pensions Secretary told the Andrew Marr show that “nobody loses a penny” under his flagship welfare reform. Labour blasted the claims as “completely wrong”, adding that those […]

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‘Military top brass warned David Cameron against controversially claiming there were 70,000 friendly troops ready to take on Islamic State in Syria, it was claimed last night. Ministry of Defence figures were said to have balked at the figure, amid fears it was an over-estimate and could become the government’s ‘dodgy dossier’. The unnamed senior […]

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‘On the 23rd of October, the UK press reported that Russian and US planes had completely “obliterated” the Omar oil field in Syria which is under the control of Daesh: “The terrorists’ oil field in eastern Syria was obliterated in a day of bombing conducted by both Russia and the US-led coalition. US operations officer […]

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