‘This is our second look at the work of Robert Stuart, concerning the BBC Panorama documentary Saving Syria’s Children. (go here for our first instalment). When did the alleged chemical attacks actually occur? Why do accounts of the timing differ so widely? And why did producer Darren Conway become defensive and incoherent when asked one […]

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‘CFACT will hold the world premiere of its long-awaited Climate Hustle skeptical documentary film at an invitation-only red carpet event in Paris during the UN’s COP 21 international summit on climate change. Featuring interviews and comments from more than 30 renowned scientists and climate experts,Climate Hustle lays out compelling evidence that devastates the global warming […]

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‘The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has admitted it faked dramatic footage of a volcanic eruption in Patagonia TV documentary. According to the BBC, the scene was created by merging footage of two separate incidents of volcanic eruptions occurring four years apart. “Patagonia: Earth’s Secret Paradise” program was first broadcast on September 25 and showed the […]

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