‘Remember the Ebola outbreak of 2014 when nurses infected with Ebola were proclaimed “cured” through the intervention of pharmaceutical medicine? Like everything else the MSM broadcast about Ebola, we now know it was all a sinister fabrication. Texas nurse Nina Pham was widely celebrated as a hero by the mainstream media for her role in […]

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‘It’s been over a year since the largest ever outbreak of Ebola was officially declared in West Africa, and the hemorrhagic virus is still ravaging the region, according to new reports. Though new cases of Ebola have reportedly tapered off in Sierra Leone, and all but disappeared in neighboring Liberia, Guinea is still being hit […]

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‘North Korea has created a wonder drug which not only cures Aids, but also eradicates Ebola and cancer, if the latest proclamation from the country’s news agency is to be believed*. (*Hint: It’s probably not) An announcement says that the miracle cure consists of ginseng grown from fertiliser and a mix of other ingredients- but did […]

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‘World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan has reported that the numbers of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) cases are in rapid decline. Nevertheless, the United Nations affiliated agency says that this is no reason […]