International Energy Agency: This Oil Shock Is The Worst In History
‘The impacts will be felt throughout oil’s global supply chains and ripple into other parts of the energy sector.’
‘The impacts will be felt throughout oil’s global supply chains and ripple into other parts of the energy sector.’
Biologists explain for first time why having a good night’s sleep really could prepare us for a busy day
President unleashing US energy sector
Water-splitting techniques currently used mostly for freshwater
Energy can be less than zero, but like money borrowed from a bank, this energy must be “paid back”
Former VP touts non-binding deals in weak excuse
Heavily-forested nation to become net biomass importer
Electricity agreement potentially worth billions of dollars
Andrew Cuomo threatens to fight tooth and nail against reforms
Saudi Aramco’s oil profits to fuel Trump’s energy dominance agenda
Non-toxic prototype designed for sustainability
Mainstream economists are mystified why wages/salaries are still stagnant after 7+ years of growth / “recovery.” The conventional view is that wages should be rising as the labor market tightens (i.e. the unemployment rate is low) and demand for workers…
‘We too often take it for granted that human beings only have five senses, and whenever something cannot be immediately explained within the framework of modern science, we tend to brush it off as an anomaly, or an oddity. For thousands of years practitioners of eastern martial and meditative arts have been attuned to the […]
The post Japanese Master Demonstrates the Power of Chi by Controlling Animals appeared first on David Icke.
‘Last December 13th, the leaders of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the vice-president of India met in Turkmenistan; a table with four buttons was set up so each leader could press a button, simultaneously initiating the construction of the TAPI natural gas pipeline (see image below). TAPI is the acronym for the four countries involved in […]
The post Afghanistan, Mineral Resources and the TAPI Natural Gas Pipeline: The Driving Force Behind the War? appeared first on David Icke.
‘Utility companies are having a heyday installing electric, natural gas and water AMI Smart Meters, which probably will help many of them—electric power companies, in particular—avoid building new power plants: they can brown-out high demand days or interrupt individual home usage if consumers use more power than utilities think we should—in addition to running up […]
The post The DUMB Aspects Of Smart Meters appeared first on David Icke.