How ‘Islamic’ is the Islamic State?
ISIS execution methods directly violate Islamic principles.
ISIS execution methods directly violate Islamic principles.
Paul Joseph Watson | ISIS execution methods directly violate Islamic principles.
UK Daily Mail | Thousands of ISIS supporters took to Twitter in the days after Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh was captured to suggest sick methods of execution.
Thousands of ISIS supporters took to Twitter in the days after Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh was captured to suggest sick methods of execution.
Daily Caller | The Obama administration has granted whistleblower immunity to a federal government scientist.
The Obama administration has granted whistleblower immunity to a federal government scientist.
Zero Hedge | Saudi Arabia has been trying to pressure President Vladimir V. Putin.
Saudi Arabia has been trying to pressure President Vladimir V. Putin.
Mac Slavo | The NYPD is reformulating its policing strategy, and creating a new unit.
The NYPD is reformulating its policing strategy, and creating a new unit.
Neel Kolhatkar | A short film by Neel Kolhatkar.
A short film by Neel Kolhatkar.
Michael Krieger | “If you wanna square up to me bro, then bring it and I will f*cking fight you,” he allegedly said.
“If you wanna square up to me bro, then bring it and I will f*cking fight you,” he allegedly said.
Prison | Senator trolls liberals with vaccine tweet.