Middle School Students Advised to Throw Canned Food at Active Shooters
“The canned food item could stun the intruder or even knock him out until the police arrive.”
“The canned food item could stun the intruder or even knock him out until the police arrive.”
“The canned food item could stun the intruder or even knock him out until the police arrive.”
Paul Craig Roberts | All of history is a history of false flag operations.
Paul Craig Roberts | All of history is a history of false flag operations.
Paul Craig Roberts | All of history is a history of false flag operations.
All of history is a history of false flag operations.
All of history is a history of false flag operations.
Kurt Nimmo | Attention turns to Africa after France’s brush with terror.
Kurt Nimmo | Attention turns to Africa after France’s brush with terror.
Kurt Nimmo | Attention turns to Africa after France’s brush with terror.
Attention turns to Africa after France’s brush with terror.
Attention turns to Africa after France’s brush with terror.
Kit Daniels | CISPA encourages Internet companies to share your private data with the feds.
Kit Daniels | CISPA encourages Internet companies to share your private data with the feds.
Zero Hedge | American public has little influence over the policies government adopts.