Wounded Yellow Vest Leader: Macron “Declared War On Us”
Figurehead denounces brutal crackdown on French citizens
Figurehead denounces brutal crackdown on French citizens
Govt wants to use facial recognition systems to identify rioters
Macron gov aiming to extradite captured ISIS fighters from Syria
Macron gov aiming to extradite captured ISIS fighters from Syria
Prominent Yellow Vest could lose eye after police shooting
Suspect first to shoot at officers, killed by return fire
Chekatt was also being monitored by security services
Chekatt was also being monitored by security services
Globalism in chaos as French, UK leaders teeter
Globalism in chaos as French, UK leaders teeter
Says gov did not listen
Tensions escalate after fishermen clash at sea
Tells EU to pay attention
Yellow Vests represent decades of working class resentment
Yellow Vests represent decades of working class resentment