‘The unraveling of Earth’s life support systems continues to accelerate all over the globe. Devastating droughts, highly destructive deluges, record forest fires, and completely engineered snowstorms, all are taking a horrific toll on the planet. Though academia and mainstream media still refuse to acknowledge the geoengineering atrocities, the damage related to these programs is mounting […]

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‘“Winter storm Kayla” is the latest creation from the climate engineering cabal that now controls Earth’s life support systems (following “winter storm Jonas“). There is no longer any weather that can be considered “natural”, the entire climate system has long since been completely derailed. The power structure controlled script reading weather forecasting agencies like The […]

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  ‘Don’t know about your skies, but ours have been full of chemtrails nonstop for many months. It’s been a constant procession of chemtrails and chembombs, followed by chemclouds that eventually cover the whole sky with a massive chemcloud cover. Perfectly blue skies are transformed into a sea of ever-changing chemclouds every other day now. […]

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‘When airplanes routinely dump megatons of toxic garbage into our atmosphere as they have been doing for twenty years now, the most obvious question is: What are the biological impacts? What are the environmental implications of very small aluminum, barium, and strontium particles entering our bodies and fouling our biosphere? As one might guess, the […]

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‘In early November, Chino Valley, Arizona, residents Marie Snow and Cori Gunnels made a discovery which they said frightened them. According to published reports — and there were few — they witnessed what appeared to them to be 50- to 60-foot long “raindrops,” which were “solid” in nature, falling in clusters from the sky after […]

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‘Chemtrails—those ubiquitous aircraft sky graffiti—have been implicated in what’s called weather geoengineering that’s been going on for many decades, but increasing dramatically and globally in the last decade. For readers who may be new to the concept of controlling the weather or using weather as a “weapon of war,” here is a blog I wrote, […]

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‘A leading climate scientist from the U.K. had a Freudian slip moment recently when he admitted, perhaps without realizing it, that climate geoengineering in the form of “chemtrails” is not only not some wild conspiracy theory, but is an actual thing happening all around the world right now. Professor Tim Lenton, chair of Climate Change/Earth […]

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‘The world was warned by a military pilot member of Operation Indigo Skyfold. “Blue Jay 1”, as he is known, revealed to the world community of nations that starting in January of 2015 the skies of the planet would see a considerable increase in the amount and intensity of chemtrail operations. “All pilots on leave […]

The post Geoengineering IS The Primary Cause Of Global Climate Change, Not CO2 appeared first on David Icke.

‘The final week of 2015 may bring temperatures to the North Pole as much as 75 degrees above normal (complete report on this is below). At the same time the completely engineered “cool-downs” continue in the US. How far does the scale need to tilt before people begin to open their eyes? The vast majority […]

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‘The blatant and in plain sight experimentation on the US population continues unabated. A recent “press release” letter from 5 US congressmen sends a very clear message, they want a minimum of 10 new C-130J air tankers to continue “specialized spraying missions”. Though the “solar radiation management” (SRM) spraying around the world is done by […]

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‘A key question in many investigations is: Who benefits? In Latin we say: Cui bono? So, as we continue to investigate chemtrails and geoengineering, let us inquire as to who benefits from this New Manhattan Project. What might be the advantages of conducting a global weather modification project such as this? This article examines the […]

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‘Many nations possess the ability to use weather modification, or geoengineering, as a weapon. The notion is scary, but true; from relatively simple methods such as airplanes that put rain-producing chemicals in the air, to more sophisticated technologies developed in areas like the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Alaska, weather manipulation […]

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‘At the recent Istanbul Security Conference (Dec. 3-5), our intrepid citizen journalist Patrick Roddie caught up with a Saudi royal by the full name of HRH Princess Basmah Bint Saud bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud. She more casually goes by the name of Princess Basmah Bint Saud. She is the daughter of King Saud and […]

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