‘We are living at a point in human history when the willful blindness of global populations is truly beyond comprehension. The open blatant tyranny of governments around the globe has been (for the most part) ignored by the masses. Many have convinced themselves that if they continue to ignore reality long enough, dire threats will […]

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‘Mainstream media sources are in so many cases completely omitting extremely dire news from the public and yet these same sources devote excessive coverage to absurd and irrelevent stories. A case in point is Northern California’s “Record Searchlight” newspaper. The editor of this publication, Silas Lyons, completely blacked out any coverage whatsoever of the recent […]

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‘Is there such an unhealthy and debilitating condition as “chemtrail flu”? Not certain there is, I decided to do some exploration to find out what’s out there about it. However, I am positive that there is such a malady medically documented and called “multiple chemical sensitivity” [7] (MCS), which often produces flu-like symptoms in most […]

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‘Car service, hotels, and accommodations for the president and other administration officials to attend climate change talks in Paris are costing taxpayers nearly $2 million, according to government contracts. The COP21 meeting of global leaders, which President Obama said is a “powerful rebuke” to terrorists, began on Monday. Representatives from 195 countries traveled to Paris, […]

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‘As drought continues to bake California, it is becoming apparent to more and more residents that the remaining water resources are held by a small number of mega-farmers who undoubtedly hold a great deal of sway over government officials given the enormity of the Golden State’s agriculture industry. As reported by Bloomberg Business, just a […]

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‘California is in the midst of the worst drought in recorded history. An anticipation of El Nino and an early winter snow have made people hopeful for rising water tables. Projects throughout the state have attempted to address water shortages, including recommending wastewater programs. Recently, a desalination plant was announced for Santa Clara County. Twenty-four […]

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‘Dear Climate Conference Attendee: We write this open letter out of grave concern for what you are about to undertake. We the People of the nations of the world are those whom you both serve and represent. Therefore, we trust that you will give voice to our deeply held convictions regarding the current global climate […]

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‘visiting supermarkets you see them stacked, row after row, brand name upon brand name … we’re spoiled for choices … but it can indeed be quite costly when added up after a while. It’s better to choose the glass option as opposed to plastic which leaches out toxic chemicals such as Bisphenol A which could […]

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‘Seems amazing…then again, who wants to think about being sprayed with even more sinister pesticides than most bugs? Anyone cozy with thinking Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (“chemtrails”) are simple water vapor (contrails), and brave enough to face potentially hazardous elevation of, primarily, aluminum and barium in their body…submit a hair sample for analysis. Micrograms of awareness […]

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‘Potentially the most difficult environmental test in history is about to take place. World renowned scientist Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, along with two volunteer environmentalists from the National Crime Scene Cleanup Association (NCSCA), are setting out to find conclusive evidence about the existence of “chem trails”. Award Winning Director/Producer Michael J. Murphy will be documenting […]

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‘The power structure is beginning to panic as the public wakes up to the criminal climate engineering insanity. The growing police state is completely out of control and becoming unimaginably blatant with their actions. In recent weeks Washington has placed “gag orders” on the following agency employees, “The National Weather Service”, the “National Oceanic and […]

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‘The New Manhattan Project (NMP) requires an incredibly huge command and control apparatus. Over 1000 airplanes need to be commanded. The ionospheric heaters need to be operated. Atmospheric conditions need to be monitored and analyzed. Computers are needed to assist throughout. Today’s military refers to such an apparatus as C4: command, control, communications and computers. […]

The post C4: Command, Control, Communications, And Computers Of The New Manhattan Chemtrail Project appeared first on David Icke.

‘Newly surfaced documents add to an already sizable pile of evidence that the U.S. government has been manipulating the weather for many decades. Just under 750 pages, the document from May of 1978 illustrates just how large the geoengineering, weather-modification cover-up really is. The beginning of the document reads as follows: “The Federal Government has […]

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‘A highly consequential global climate change conference recently took place in Paris, France. Several concerned activists, including Michael Murphy, attended this meeting in order to better understand the hidden agenda behind the extraordinary drive to pass sweeping global climate legislation. The primary stated purpose of this new regime of international laws and treaties is to […]

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