‘It takes a tremendous amount of courage for a renowned scientist to break ranks with his fellow scientists, especially when it concerns a matter as serious as chemical geoengineering. Dr. Marvin Herndon has done just that and much, MUCH more. In the video posted below this fierce anti-geoengineering advocate speaks to the whole human race. […]

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‘As humanity works to avoid further environmental and ecological destruction to the planet, scientists continue to search for possible solutions to the numerous issues facing our species. One of these proposed solutions has been the science of geoengineering. According to a 2013 congressional report:’ Read more: MIT Study Warns About The Dangers Of Geoengineering And Weather […]

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‘The question asked above is critical because the true answer may perfectly explain Governor Brown’s lack of any meaningful response to the catastrophic California Drought. Similar to the crashing of California’s energy (it actually was electricity disemination) market just prior to the Enron scandal breaking wide open, it appears that there is an ongoing plot […]

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‘An extraordinary and truly historic event has taken place this August of 2015 in the realm of environmental science. A quite timely and major breakthrough has occurred regarding the greatest manmade environmental catastrophe and public health disaster of the modern era. Hence, environmental activists and health advocates everywhere now expect a sea change to occur […]

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This last Tuesday, August 11, a group of geoengineering activists including San Francisco’s intrepid researcher and citizen journalist Patrick Roddie testified before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Patrick went on record about the hard evidence showing the mountains of metal raining down upon us and this Project’s massive environmental fallout. They don’t have any excuses […]

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‘Scientific evidence now exists which indicates the presence of “toxic coal combustion fly ash” in the Earth’s atmosphere. The following excerpt from the relevant article abstract, which appears under the above quoted title, was just published in the August 11th issue of the peer-reviewed International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.’ Read more: Coal Fly […]

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‘This is one of those videos that is a shock to the system. Hats off to Dane Wigington for the amazing presentation. Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time […]

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‘Suburbanization and industrial deforestation are decimating the world’s trees, and there are only 2 intact giant forests remaining on planet earth. However, across the globe, some other phenomenon is causing standing trees to wither and die in record numbers, and at present, the problem is receiving considerable mention in California, where millions of trees are […]

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‘Suburbanization and industrial deforestation are decimating the world’s trees, and there are only 2 intact giant forests remaining on planet earth. However, across the globe, some other phenomenon is causing standing trees to wither and die in record numbers, and at present, the problem is receiving considerable mention in California, where millions of trees are […]

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‘In a new report, a team of 14 different organizations in Germany, the U.K., Norway, France, and Austria concluded that efforts to geoengineer the climate are not without risk and not a substitute for reducing greenhouse emissions. The project “European Trans-disciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering” (EuTRACE) released their report, titled “Removing Greenhouse Gases from the […]

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‘A highly consequential global climate change conference recently took place in Paris, France. Several concerned activists, including Michael Murphy, attended this meeting in order to better understand the hidden agenda behind the extraordinary drive to pass sweeping global climate legislation. The primary stated purpose of this new regime of international laws and treaties is to […]

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‘The most insidious aspect of this planet-destroying endeavor is that it is happening almost completely under the radar, as well as above the clouds. By that it should be understood that the vast majority of 7 billion people who inhabit the planet are completely unaware of the covert global geoengineering program. When such is the […]

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‘“In response to an urgent call through an article in Current Science for assistance to understand the geological association of high aluminum mobility with human health in the Ganga Alluvial Plain, I describe evidence of clandestine geoengineering activity that has occurred for at least 15 years, and which has escalated sharply in the last two […]

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For individuals who still believe the government does not have the ability to control the weather, think again. Over the last four weeks residents in North Dakota may have witnessed a government weather modification program change their weather using chemtrails, sometimes by as much as 60%. In fact, rain enhancement operations were suspended last week […]

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‘The state of California is experiencing a relentless and historic 1200 year drought. This unparalleled disaster has proven to be as crippling and destructive as any in American history. If this slow-motion calamity continues to unfold, as it has over the past four to five years, it may go down as the most consequential drought […]

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