Bail-Ins Coming To Greece and Indebted Western Nations – Question Is When? – Governments move toward ever greater financial repression – Repression includes suppression of rates, capital controls, outlawing of cash and bail-ins – Finance ministers discuss cashless society, giving

Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash – Restrictions on borrowing to speculate were eased in 2010 – Middle class savers gradually saturated the market trading on leverage – Market crash began as government tried

Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash – Restrictions on borrowing to speculate were eased in 2010 – Middle class savers gradually saturated the market trading on leverage – Market crash began as government tried

Faber: “Wake Up, People of the World! Greece will Come to You …Very Soon” – World is “over-indebted”, Mark Faber tells Bloomberg – “Defaults will follow or they will have to create very high inflation rates” – Greece will leave

Global Debt Time Bomb Ticks – Puerto Rico Is Next – Puerto Rico Governor says island cannot pay its $72 billion debt – Puerto Rico debt 15 times per capita median debt of the 50 U.S. states – Complicated arrangements

Greece Shows Importance of Gold as Europeans Buy Coins and Bars – Demand for physical gold from Europeans surges – Greek ATMs limit withdrawals to €60 per day – Greeks panic buy food, fuel and medicine – European elites threaten

Grexit?, BIS Warning, Chinese Market Crash & Systemic Risk Shake the Global Economy – Persistent low rates leave central banks with no ammunition to fight next crisis – BIS says short-sighted central banks and governments contributed to current weaknesses –

Not Owning Gold Bullion Shows “Ignorance of Monetary History” – “Gold remains in secular bull market” – System is addicted to unsustainable debt – Persistent deflationary forces threaten system  – Monetary authorities to take increasingly risky measures to engender inflation

“They Can’t Print Money Forever” – Ron Paul – Former U.S. Congressman blasts Fed’s role in markets – Gives scathing analysis of modern economics and markets – Highlights complete disregard of economic fundamentals in investment decisions today – As will

“They Can’t Print Money Forever” – Ron Paul – Former U.S. Congressman blasts Fed’s role in markets – Gives scathing analysis of modern economics and markets – Highlights complete disregard of economic fundamentals in investment decisions today – As will

“Being Fed Rubbish Re Gold” and “Complacency Rules… For Now” – GoldCore interview with Kerry Lutz on the Financial Survival Network – Gradual realisation that central bank “masters of the universe” -“We all know that bad stuff is going to

“Being Fed Rubbish Re Gold” and “Complacency Rules… For Now” – GoldCore interview with Kerry Lutz on the Financial Survival Network – Gradual realisation that central bank “masters of the universe” -“We all know that bad stuff is going to

Doubts Over City of London’s “Fintech” in Age of Cyber War – Doubts over City of London’s “fintech” in age of cyber war – Thousands left in “financial limbo” after tech “error” – 600,000 RBS customer payments go “missing” in

Doubts Over City of London’s “Fintech” in Age of Cyber War – Doubts over City of London’s “fintech” in age of cyber war – Thousands left in “financial limbo” after tech “error” – 600,000 RBS customer payments go “missing” in

Hold “Physical Cash,” “Including Gold and Silver” To Protect Against “Systemic Risk” – Fidelity – Hold physical cash “including gold and silver” says manager in one of largest mutual fund and financial services groups in the world – “Systemic risk”