Russia Buy Gold Bullion For “Diversification” – Central Bank Governor – Russia “bought gold” for “diversification” – Russian Central Governor Nabiullina – Russian central bank prefers gold bullion to euros or dollars –  Russia points out that other countries have

Russia Buy Gold Bullion For “Diversification” – Central Bank Governor – Russia “bought gold” for “diversification” – Russian Central Governor Nabiullina – Russian central bank prefers gold bullion to euros or dollars –  Russia points out that other countries have

“People Can No Longer Buy Retail Gold Coins” – Armstrong and blogosphere on shortage of gold coins in Europe – No shortage of gold whatsoever at retail level in Europe – Gold demand in most of Europe quite mixed despite

“People Can No Longer Buy Retail Gold Coins” – Armstrong and blogosphere on shortage of gold coins in Europe – No shortage of gold whatsoever at retail level in Europe – Gold demand in most of Europe quite mixed despite

Financial System “Will Implode” … “Hold Precious Metals” – Faber – “Whole Financial System Will One Day Implode” – Marc Faber – “I feel like I’m on the Titanic …” – Arguing over the best assets akin to re-arranging deck

Financial System “Will Implode” … “Hold Precious Metals” – Faber – “Whole Financial System Will One Day Implode” – Marc Faber – “I feel like I’m on the Titanic …” – Arguing over the best assets akin to re-arranging deck

Financial System “Will Implode” … “Hold Precious Metals” – Faber – “Whole Financial System Will One Day Implode” – Marc Faber – “I feel like I’m on the Titanic …” – Arguing over the best assets akin to re-arranging deck

Cyberwarfare Threat To Nuclear, Banking and Financial System – Legacy of stuxnet is risk posed to technology dependent world – 20 countries have launched cyberwarfare programmes since exposure of stuxnet in 2010 – Stuxnet virus targeted safety mechanisms in Iran’s

Indian Silver Demand Explodes to Silver Owners’ Delight – India may absorb as much as one third of total global silver production this year – Strong demand for silver steadily increasing year by year – Indian citizens and solar industry

Americans “Looted” Nazi Gold – Reminder of Gold’s Role in Times of Crisis – Documents uncovered in Washington show American’s seized Nazi gold in last days of war – Himmler stashed emergency fund of gold and currencies in post office

U.S. State Finances – Lack “Truth and Integrity” – Volcker Warns – U.S. state budgets rely on “faulty practices” – Volcker – Shoddy budget practices push costs to future generations – Faulty budget practices lead to poor policy making –

Deutsche Bank CEOs “Shown Door” – World’s Largest Holder of Derivatives In Trouble? – Deutsche co-CEO’s announce “resignation” nine months before their contracts expire – Only two weeks ago, CEO Anshu Jain was given more power to reorganise the bank

Gold At $64,000 – Bloomberg’s ‘China Gold Price’ – Bloomberg Intelligence suggest gold backed yuan see gold at $64,000 per ounce – “Chinese gold standard would need a rate 50 times bullion’s price” – As China-U.S. relations deteriorate, gold backed

Gold At $64,000 – Bloomberg’s ‘China Gold Price’ – Bloomberg Intelligence suggest gold backed yuan see gold at $64,000 per ounce – “Chinese gold standard would need a rate 50 times bullion’s price” – As China-U.S. relations deteriorate, gold backed

Gold At $64,000 – Bloomberg’s ‘China Gold Price’ – Bloomberg Intelligence suggest gold backed yuan see gold at $64,000 per ounce – “Chinese gold standard would need a rate 50 times bullion’s price” – As China-U.S. relations deteriorate, gold backed