Live: Trump Focuses on Reopening Economy Following Coronavirus Relief Deal– April 21
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Elected leaders join Latino advocacy group to promote ‘#ShareYourCheck Challenge’
Global economy in turmoil amid coronavirus crisis
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What is the number of deaths due to disease which justifies the total abandonment of the rule of law and basic human freedoms? Sixty thousand? One hundred thousand? Three hundred thousand?
Certain sectors of economy will open up sooner than others as pandemic begins to wane.
Globalist organization covered up for China and withheld evidence from the world, says president.
Experts such as Anthony Fauci are experts only in the narrow field of their expertise. The have almost no knowledge or expertise in other fields, including—apparently—the basics of how human societies function
It is, of course, entirely possible that the coronavirus will create a lasting paradigm shift toward more liberty and fewer government controls
In an effort to defy Donald Trump, Andrew Cuomo, NBC, and CBS have suddenly embraced what they have long hated: state sovereignty and the extensive decentralization mandated by the Tenth Amendment
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But this isn’t uncharacteristic of the FDA—its snail’s-pace approval process regularly restricts many Americans from accessing lifesaving medicines, killing tens of thousands of sick patients each year.
Politics is oftentimes a coin toss: the populace holds its breath, waiting to see how it lands
State officials push to reopen economy
Dems pushing for nationwide jailbreak during crisis