This week, a woman in Tennessee reportedly told police she was counterfeiting money because she read online that President Barack Obama created a new law stating that people can start printing their own money. Police say that the counterfeit bill

Debt Resistance UK (DRUK) are initiating a local authority debt audit campaign to demonstrate how the framework of local government finance has been co-opted to work in the interests of private banks, and not in the interests of taxpaying citizens

As readers know, we’ve been expecting a lot of craziness to occur in financial, economic and political systems… and we’ll be putting out a video elaborating on our predictions in the next few days. But, it looks like we’re on

Yesterday, the Greek people emphatically said “enough is enough” of this ridiculous European Union system, central banking and governments going into massive debt to be paid for by tax slaves and yet-to-be-born tax slaves. Could it be that the birthplace

CNBC reports: “A recent online poll of more than 2,000 adults by TransferWise, a peer-to-peer money transfer service based in the United Kingdom, revealed that 35 percent of American-born residents and emigrants would consider leaving the United States to live

And so it begins … Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced that all banks and the stock market will be shuttered on Monday after panic gripped the country. The Greek Financial “Stability” Council have recommended that the banks stay shut