, a self-reported objective information site in the Bitcoin space, has warned that the Bitcoin Core wallet — the official wallet of Bitcoin — is ripe for an attack. “ has reason to suspect that the binaries for the upcoming

Zbigniew Brzezinski has written an article in The American Interest titled “Towards a Global Realignment” that has received a tremendous amount of attention on the internet, along with much gloating. Brzezinski is an architect of the world’s current military and

We have recently written about how Angela Merkel in Germany has encouraged her citizens to begin stockpiling food and provisions to protect themselves in the event of an “attack”. Since, in the last week, the US State Department has issued

We have been highlighting the wave of billionaires who are all getting out of the stock market this summer and buying gold.  Well, now it’s a trillionaire. Of course, he’s not “officially” on top in the “most wealthy” lists… but that is

In the August 2016 Tax Justice Network podcast: The Big Four accountancy firms: Are they in fact more like the Big One? And should they be broken up? Also: – the Duke of Westminster’s 9 billion tax free inheritance and

The US government, bankrupt yet again after another disastrous war of aggression, had its back pushed to the wall in 1971. Up until that point, foreign central banks could redeem US dollars directly with the US Treasury in exchange for

When we started The Dollar Vigilante in 2010 we stated that the worldwide central banking fiat money system would collapse within the decade. It was just math.  Government debt continues to mount and the only way to pay interest on

I’m not sure Trump is aware of this Jubilee year, but he certainly understands that the stock market is at a highly dangerous level. “Interest rates are artificially low,” Trump told Fox in an interview, HERE. “The only reason the

We’re keeping track of Venezuela and have written about its deepening disaster numerous times, including  HERE. In fact, I personally visited a few months ago to see the disaster with my own eyes. Every time we look at this poor country, things are

Bernie Sanders supporters are flocking to Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party presidential candidate, with donations to her campaign exploding nearly 1000% after he endorsed Hillary Clinton. Stein salutes Sanders for the progressive populist movement he began and says it

Most are unaware that we don’t live in a real democracy.  In the US, in particular, Presidents aren’t elected, they are selected.  It has been this way for centuries and was fully cemented, and never questioned again, after JFK was killed

In the July 2016 Tax Justice Network podcast: ‘Hello. This is John Doe. Interested in data? I’m happy to share.‘ We talk to the two journalists who got the Panama Papers scoop, Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier who’ve written a

We have been massive and outspoken proponents that 9/11 was an inside job since our inception in 2010.  Five or more years ago that was a fairly extreme stance.  We’d often get people calling us “crazy,” but I’m used to