President Putin Explains Reality to Dumbshit American Journalists (there are no other kind)
Americans have not seen leadership in so long that they no longer know what it is. Here is
Putin with a leadership lesson.…

Anyone who thinks American cops “serve and protect” is full of bull excrement. Too many cops are psychopaths who use their badges to abuse citizens. The abusive cops are seldom held accountable by mayors, city councils, county councils or the…

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The Western Alliance Is Crumbling: EU Is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad By Eric Zuesse In his guest column Eric Zuesse reports that Washington’s world exploitation is encountering opposition. An Iraqi parliamentarian tells Washington “to give up its hypocrisy.” France’s…

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For A Majority Of Americans, US Government Has Lost Legitimacy Noam Chomsky (33:30 point on the video) tells us that in the November 2014 Congressional elections, US voter participation was at the level of 1830 when only white male property…

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Public School Students Are the New Inmates in the American Police State
Guest Column By John Whitehead …

David Ray Griffin Examines 9/11 And Global Warming In the factual logical manner that is his hallmark, David Griffin examines whether global warming is a false conspiracy theory like Washington’s 9/11 conspiracy theory. It is a long article, but it…

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“Al-Qaeda Is a Myth,” says Afghan Former President Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan for a decade of Washington’s 14-year destruction of that country, says that there never was any al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan al-Qaeda, Karzai says, is a myth.…

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America, Home of the Inhumanes Guest Column by Philip Giraldi In the spring of 2008, the pro-war Washington Post published a color photo of a dead two-year old child whose body was recovered from the ruins of a home destroyed…

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