EU Threatens Force Against Countries Refusing Migrants
Globalists issue incendiary ultimatum while assembling EU army
Globalists issue incendiary ultimatum while assembling EU army
Hypocritical Dems only like gerrymandering when they are in control
UN orders West to invite entire Third World
Meanwhile, memo details evidence of Clinton campaign colluding with FBI, DoJ, State Department.
Immigration agency cracks down on rogue sanctuary state
Chinglish-sounding Station of Extreme Light powerful enough to rip up space
Far-left host walks back comment after public backlash
Collapse of superstate practically inevitable
Think-tank linked to NWO’s Council on Foreign Relationsmber of the Council on Foreign Relations
Series of PC advertisements promote diversity, social justice
Sanctuary state’s decay on display for world to see
Dems to defend 25 Senate seats, GOP only eight
Why is the entire media running with anonymous sources?
Subway execs threaten franchise owner after notice goes viral
Subway execs threaten franchise owner after notice goes viral