Obama Endorses Death Of 200 Million People
Free market capitalism has never been in more danger than it is now.
Free market capitalism has never been in more danger than it is now.
Cruz uses back door means to steal delegate majority in Louisiana.
A look into the political themes in the upcoming blockbuster film.
Company that helped Chavez steal 2004 election, now used in Utah.
Soon to be “the norm” at train stations, bus stations and sporting events.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Former presidents have their busts left in a field in Virginia.
When comparing the two, it is evident that Ted’s character will never be on par with Washington’s.
Trump supporter takes opportunity to point out lack of compassion from protesters.
Small group of protesters outnumbered by bystanders.
The scene outside of Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C.
An in-depth breakdown of why social engineers want a race war to tighten their grip on society.
When white people say it it’s racist.
The people have spoken and they will not be divided – Warning Graphic Language
Lefitsts plan protest to derail Trump campaign.