First, for those not familiar with the Equifax data breach, or what to do about it, here it is straight from Federal Trade Commission: If you have a credit report, there’s a good chance that you’re one of the 143

As the status quo narratives and metrics lose their explanatory value, defenders of the status quo frantically leap into attack mode, declaring any skeptical inquiry as a “conspiracy” or “hoax.” A recent example can be found in that high-brow defender

‘A recent congressional report demonstrates anew just how dismissive, spiteful and rogue the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has become when dealing with the very people who pay for its existence: The American taxpayer. According to a report by majority Republicans on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, “Doing Less with Less: IRS’s Spending Decisions […]

The post Your government hates you: IRS deliberately cut its own customer service budget to punish citizens, legislators; rogue agency should be disbanded appeared first on David Icke.

‘Freedom to travel is a fundamental and internationally recognized human right. Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states: Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. […]

The post Will the Feds Curtail Your Right To Travel? — Congress’s Plans to Lock You in appeared first on David Icke.