‘Libya risks becoming “a failed state” if the UN-brokered unity government flops, Secretary John Kerry has said. While Libya remains broke and insecure five years after NATO’s 2011 military intervention, Kerry believes “a wealthy nation” can rebuild itself. The remarks by the head of the Department of State came during his second visit to Capitol […]

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When Kerry moves his lips the global cabal is speaking and whatever he says a situation is, it isn’t, and whatever he says must happen, mustn’t. Read more: Britain should stay in the EU says Kerry – so we shouldn’t

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When Kerry moves his lips the global cabal is speaking and whatever he says a situation is, it isn’t, and whatever he says must happen, mustn’t. Read more: Britain should stay in the EU says Kerry – so we shouldn’t

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‘The US and its allies lack any ability to engage in diplomacy with other countries and instead focus on threatening others with military action or sanctions to pressure them into submission, says a political analyst in Moscow. ‘The problem is that the United States and the EU have lost their ability to do real diplomacy,’ […]

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‘World powers have agreed on a ‘cessation of hostilities’ in Syria that could serve as a bridge towards the resumption of genuine peace talks later this month. Emerging from a marathon meeting that stretched late into the night in Munich on Thursday, United States Secretary of State John Kerry said the powers had agreed on […]

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‘In case you had any inkling of confusion left as to what exactly is going on in the purposeful remapping of the Middle East right now via intelligence agency-created terrorists… John Kerry just told everyone exactly what the true goals are in the Middle East. They are creating chaos to bring order to it, their […]

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‘In a speech delivered November 10 at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, Secretary of State John Kerry (shown) appeared to be intentionally amping up the already incendiary rhetoric aimed at those scientists and citizens who express doubt or skepticism about — or opposition to — the wild, apocalyptic claims of the climate-change choir. “The […]

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‘US Secretary of State John Kerry is scheduled to visit Israeli and Palestinian leaders next week in a bid to halt ongoing violence, but a senior American official has said the meeting is not aimed at brokering a peace accord. According to the State Department, Kerry would travel to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Ramallah on […]

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‘Secretary of State John Kerry walked back remarks that a future United Nations global warming treaty would not be legally binding. Now Kerry says a climate treaty would, in fact, be legally binding and not require Senate approval. “Our position has not changed: the U.S. is pressing for an agreement that contains provisions both legally […]

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‘US State Secretary John Kerry said that the US is willing to negotiate with the Syrian government to resolve the Syrian conflict without the Syrian president’s removal as an apparent precondition. US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the US is willing to negotiate with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resolve the Syrian crisis. […]

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‘The new “email czar” appointed by Secretary of State John Kerry to oversee the burgeoning Hillary Clinton email scandal is a Clinton campaign donor who recently made a generous contribution, according to federal records obtained by Judicial Watch. Her name is Janice Jacobs, a former career diplomat assigned by Kerry this week to be the […]

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‘US Secretary of State John Kerry would not visit Israel next week as he is set to travel to the Middle East to talk about the conclusion of nuclear talks with Iran with regional countries. It seems that the Obama administration is not seeking to pacify Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following his opposition to […]

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‘Even though Americans and Iranians want peace and cooperation between their two countries, US oil cartels, defense companies and the Israel lobby is preventing a deal going forward, says Caleb Maupin from the International Action Centre.’ Read more: ‘Greed of Wall Street prevents Iran nuclear deal from being signed’

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