‘In the wake of an unprecedented crackdown on foreigners buying luxury property with “dirty money” in America, an undercover activist secretly filmed US lawyers’ insights into loopholes on how corrupt officials could hide their identities to buy VIP property. An undercover investigator from the anti-corruption charity Global Witness (GW), presenting himself as an “adviser to […]

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‘Three top Democrats are accusing the Department of Housing and Urban Development of quietly removing a key clause in its requirements for taxpayer-guaranteed mortgage insurance in order to spare two banks recently convicted of federal crimes from being frozen out of the lucrative market. HUD’s action is the latest in a series of steps by […]

The post Obama Administration Finds New Way to Let Criminal Banks Avoid Consequences appeared first on David Icke.

‘Britain will not adopt new EU measures to tackle large-scale tax avoidance by multinational companies, the financial secretary to the Treasury has said. Brussels hopes to implement a longstanding tax harmonization plan to set common rules across member states, thereby closing legal loopholes multinationals currently exploit. A German member of the European Parliament (MEP) said […]

The post UK trips up EU plan to ham string industrial-scale corporate tax avoidance appeared first on David Icke.

‘Millionaire executives at private-equity firms are avoiding up to £700m in tax a year using a loophole which George Osborne has repeatedly failed to close, according to a new investigation. Tax campaigners said the arrangement, […]

‘Millionaire executives at private-equity firms are avoiding up to £700m in tax a year using a loophole which George Osborne has repeatedly failed to close, according to a new investigation. Tax campaigners said the arrangement, […]