Obama to seek more funds to fight antibiotic-resistant ‘superbug’ bacteria
Will request $1.2 billion, twice the amount granted by Congress in 2015…
Will request $1.2 billion, twice the amount granted by Congress in 2015…
Sometimes using a product simply to improve your appearance can do more harm than good.
This was the only thing in my fridge that I didn’t know what was in it and I thought this should change…
Some patients who deal with chronic pain reported taking the drug along with their prescribed medication.
Factors include pharmaceutical industry consolidation.
Will the US soon rule the same?
The number comes from figures buried in a 15-page section.
“Put some money in the jar to help fund the next generation of medical research.”
Will GMOs Soon be Completely Banned There?
Australian venues cancel on anti-vaccine campaigner.
For every black American killed by homicide in 2011, there were nearly 19 blacks killed by abortion.
Any business entities in violation could be fined up to 150,000 rubles.
Would force companies to label foods that have been entirely or partially genetically engineered.
Unvaccinated people blamed for highly contagious respiratory disease that has sickened 70 people.
“The drive behind this is the health and well-being of our youth in the state of Washington.”