‘If you thought the botched rollout of Obamacare, the government shutdown, or the sequester represented Washington dysfunction at its worst, wait until you hear about the taxpayer waste at the Defense Department. Special Enterprise Reporter […]

‘Our beloved government leaders are so proud of their glorious victories on the battlefield in Iraq. The Iraqi army runs away and allows the U.S. created ISIS army to walk into Ramadi. But our glorious […]

‘Israel is hoping to receive $4.2-$4.5 billion a year in military aid from the United States for ten years, to counter the threat from Iran and oil-rich Middle East states that have been re-arming rapidly, […]

‘Israel is hoping to receive $4.2-$4.5 billion a year in military aid from the United States for ten years, to counter the threat from Iran and oil-rich Middle East states that have been re-arming rapidly, […]

‘Can you fathom something worse than nuclear weapons? Can you imagine weapons that are more ‘practical’ and surgical to be used to spread “peace” and “democracy” to oil rich countries in the Middle East? Well […]

‘A new group of leaders from the military industrial complex has formed seeking to pressure potential presidential candidates into supporting a ‘strong foreign policy’. Americans for Peace, Prosperity, and Security (APPS) has been established by […]

Either join the disruptors or prepare to be disrupted. Disruptive technology is a tiresome cliche, as every Twitter/ AirBnB/ Uber/ Skype/etc. wannabe start-up declares itself disruptive. That the vast majority of self-congratulatory start-ups are over-hyped and derivative should not distract