Amazon planning to open robotic supermarket staffed by just TWO humans, sources claim
The Sun | Online retail giant reportedly developing prototype of a futuristic store which could finally finish off the humble British cornershop.
The Sun | Online retail giant reportedly developing prototype of a futuristic store which could finally finish off the humble British cornershop.
Ron Paul | Many Americans who have wrestled with a 1040 form, or who have paid someone to prepare their taxes, no doubt cheered the news that Congress will soon resume working on tax reform.
Zero Hedge | European and Asian shares rose ahead of Mario Draghi’s testimony at the European Parliament.
Michael Snyder | When debt grows much faster than GDP for an extended period of time, it is inevitable that a good portion of that debt will start to go bad at some point.
The Hill | President Trump will sign an executive order that could effectively kill a contentious investment adviser rule that had been a top priority of President Obama.
The Last Refuge | You really must reflect upon this recent media release to fully grasp the scope of the exhibited EU sanctimony.
Daily Mail | Donald Trump has already raised $16million towards his campaign to be re-elected in 2020.
Daily Caller | Laureate Education, Inc., which has close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, tanked on its first day in the stock market.
AFP | It is a utopian idea, literally, but is enjoying a renaissance as politicians and policy wonks grapple with technology-driven changes that could redefine our very understanding of work.
RT | Tehran plans to ditch the use of the American currency in financial reporting after US President Donald Trump issued a travel ban on seven countries, including Iran.
Zero Hedge | For the first time since June 2015, Italian youth unemployment has risen above 40% and notably, Italian bond yields are rising…
Reuters | Goldman Sachs Group Inc Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein became the first major Wall Street leader to speak out against President Donald Trump’s order to halt arrivals from several Muslim-majority countries.
Fox News | Small business owner Joy Weatherup Anthis met with President Donald Trump at the White House today to discuss his plan to cut regulations on small businesses.
Zero Hedge | Sustainable?
Zero Hedge | Congratulations to UK prime minister Theresa May for poking a finger into the eyes of EU nannycrats.