‘Bitcoin is the greatest SCAM in history’
Daily Mail | Founding PayPal CEO Bill Harris claims the cryptocurrency is a colossal pump-and-dump scheme that steals money from ill-informed buyers.
Daily Mail | Founding PayPal CEO Bill Harris claims the cryptocurrency is a colossal pump-and-dump scheme that steals money from ill-informed buyers.
Zero Hedge | Bernie Sanders is preparing to release his version of the “jobs guarantee” that has become a fixture of the UK Labour Party’s platform under leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Zero Hedge | “Gold is maintaining an upward pattern above its rising 200-day moving average, which is extremely good.”
CNS News | Gross Domestic Product will grow by 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018.
CNBC | Bitcoin surged to its highest level in over a month on Tuesday continuing its post-Tax Day rebound.
Mac Slavo | The nation of Iran has dumped the United States dollar in favor of the European euro amid tensions with Washington.
Breitbart | Bloomberg said President Donald Trump was a real estate developer, and therefore “not really a business person.”
RT | Tehran has announced it will start reporting foreign currency amounts in euros rather than dollars.
Sputnik | The move is a sign of the impending return to global financial multipolarity.
CNBC | President Donald Trump blasted the oil-producing cartel OPEC on Twitter Friday.
CNBC | President Donald Trump blasted the oil-producing cartel OPEC on Twitter Friday.
Mac Slavo | Financial analysts and even government economists are now warning of potential doomsday scenarios in financial markets.
CNBC | Oil prices soared to levels not seen since late 2014 on Thursday.
SafeHaven.com | Luck is a tricky thing. And when it comes to those lucky Americans who have won windfalls in the lotteries, it seems to be short-lived. Winners become losers at breakneck speed.
Sputnik | Sweden, which already has some of the world’s highest taxes, may well see them rise further.