In the past, China resisted U.S. saber-rattling against North Korea. Now China is threatening North Korea with military action. What’s going on? Why the sudden convergence of U.S.-China threats of military force against North Korea? China Threatens To Bomb North

‘North Korea has threatened to attack South Korea and the United States if the two allies conduct joint drills in March. Pyongyang says the exercises are preparations for war and says it will retaliate. “All the powerful strategic and tactical strike means of our revolutionary armed forces will go into preemptive and just operation to […]

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‘Pyongyang has taken the war of words with Seoul to a whole new level, having labeled the South Korean president a “crazy old bitch.” This was in response to President Park Geun-hye calling Kim Jong-un’s rule an “extreme reign of terror.” “We express strong regret over… the North’s personal attacks that targeted our head of […]

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‘The United States says it rejected talks with North Korea aimed at formally ending the Korean War after Pyongyang refused to consider reducing its nuclear arsenal. According to the Wall Street Journal, days before Pyongyang’s latest nuclear-weapon test, the Obama administration secretly agreed to discuss a peace treaty to formally end the Korean War, in […]

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‘South Korea’s spy agency has warned of possible attacks by the North, which would target activists, defectors, and government officials. It has also warned of mass terror events that could strike subways, malls, and other public areas. The National Intelligence Service (NIS) also warned of possible cyber attacks launched by Pyongyang. On Thursday, the NIS […]

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‘The United States Senate has backed new sanctions against North Korea over its nuclear program. The senators unanimously backed North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act in a 96-0 vote on Wednesday, arguing the UN Security Council was too slow in stifling the Asian state’s threat. “China, the very entity that could do something about […]

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‘The US Department of Defense says it is planning to deploy an advanced missile system to South Korea “as quickly as possible” to counter the growing threat of Pyongyang’s weapons capabilities. The Pentagon confirmed on Monday that it will start formal talks with Seoul on placing the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD) on […]

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‘United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has denounced as “deeply deplorable” North Korea’s new long-range rocket launch, which Pyongyang says was aimed at putting an observation satellite into orbit. The UN chief reiterates his call on Pyongyang to “halt its provocative actions and return to compliance with its international obligations,” Ban’s spokesman said following the early […]

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‘Japan says it has deployed two Patriot missile interceptors in Tokyo to counter North Korea’s activity. The deployment comes amid reports that Pyongyang is preparing for a space rocket launch. Two ground-to-air Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) launchers were installed near the Defense Ministry’s headquarters on Saturday morning, according to the Japan News website. The Ministry […]

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‘Seoul has responded to Pyongyang’s nuclear test by restarting propaganda broadcasts across the border. The North has issued the highest alert level for the military and deployed artillery near loudspeakers. “If North Korea attacks the loudspeakers, we will immediately retaliate,” the South’s defense ministry official told Yonhap. South Korea deployed loudspeakers in August, after the […]

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‘Pyongyang says it has successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test, hours after seismologists detected an artificial earthquake close to the country’s main atomic test site northeast of North Korea. “The republic’s first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10:00 a.m. (0130 GMT) on January 6, 2016, based on the strategic determination of the […]

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‘Israel shipped in recent years $400,000 in gold to North Korea in defiance of a UN ban, it emerged in a hearing of the Knesset Economics Committee on Wednesday. Israel was required to give explanations for the exports. The committee approved Wednesday the import and export order regarding the regulation of export goods to North […]

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‘A US monitoring center claims that North Korea has begun digging a new tunnel for nuclear testing in the country’s east coast. Satellite images from October and early November showed significant constructions at the Punggye-ri test site since April, the 38 North website run by Johns Hopkins University said in a report. The site is […]

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‘In recent months, U.S. and South Korean military officials have signed agreements that heighten the risk of conflict on the Korean Peninsula. In June, the two sides established a new operations plan named OPLAN 5015. For the most part, details of the plan remain under wraps, but the little information that has been revealed is […]

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