‘What if our food has been getting less and less nutritious? What if modern intensive farming methods — many of which solved malnutrition problems when they were first introduced — have affected the mineral and vitamin content of what we eat? Could having a constant supply of varied produce and introducing genetically modified foods be […]

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‘”If I offered you a bruised banana, you probably wouldn’t be interested,” said Jonathan Deutsch, PhD, director of Drexel University’s Center for Hospitality and Sport Management. “But what if I offered you some banana ice cream on a hot summer day? I bet you’d find that a lot more appealing.” It was this simple observation […]

The post Repurposing Food Could Feed the Hungry and Create Jobs appeared first on David Icke.

‘The mainstream media and their high-paying pharmaceutical sponsors make it seem like disease is random, striking people without warning. In this way of thinking, people start to feel like helpless victims. They can quickly become scared and lose touch with their bodies and minds. They start lining up for routine medical checks and injections. Sometimes, […]

The post MSM finally admits Western diets lack nutrition and cause disease… a decade after independent media sounded the alarm appeared first on David Icke.

‘We’ve seen it happen with alcohol and cigarettes, and we’ve seen it happen with drugs, guns, and prostitution. Any time the government restricts or overly taxes a vice, it doesn’t go away, it just goes underground. Now those same market forces are stifling the government’s attempts to help our kids eat “healthy” meals. Michelle Obama’s […]

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‘GMO is anti-science. Who knew? The biotech industry in general is wrought with fraud, hucksters, shills and lobbyists. The following is a list of hucksters and shills who “sell their souls” for money to represent […]