‘In just the last week alone, America’s politicians forfeited the nation’s economic future by secretly passing fast track trade authority, California lawmakers accepted bribes from Big Pharma to legalize mass medical genocide against blacks by passing the mandatory vaccination law SB 277, online retailers banned the Confederate flag while promoting Nazi symbolism, howling leftist maniacs […]

The post Has America reached a ‘blue screen of death’ moment? A hard reboot now seems inevitable… appeared first on David Icke.

‘For years, anyone who suggested that the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, was mistitled because the law would actually increase out-of-pocket expenses for consumers, was dismissed as a political hack or Obama hater. But now, […]

‘Has anyone else noticed that most professors of ethics aren’t exactly…ummm…ethical? At least the ones who get quoted, anyway. A professor at the highly esteemed Princeton University doesn’t want his Obamacare premiums to increase because […]