Motels Sharing “Daily Guest List with Police” and Aiding Warrant Checks on Every Guest
Mac Slavo | The motel and hotel industry is not only spying you, it is partnering with police.
Mac Slavo | The motel and hotel industry is not only spying you, it is partnering with police.
Biz Pac Review | Karma paid a visit to Ferguson, Mo., on Wednesday.
Biz Pac Review | Karma paid a visit to Ferguson, Mo., on Wednesday.
RT | The appeals court said that the metadata collection was not authorized.
RT | The appeals court said that the metadata collection was not authorized
Daily Caller | Investigators with the Baltimore police task force investigating the Freddie Gray case did not expect the 25-year-old’s death to be ruled a homicide.
Daily Caller | Investigators with the Baltimore police task force investigating the Freddie Gray case did not expect the 25-year-old’s death to be ruled a homicide.
Washington’s Blog | Lindsay Graham and John McCain Have Never Used Email.
Michael Krieger | The jury is out, and all the DEA agents involved received a slap on the wrist.
London Guardian | Controversial new bill that allows intelligence agencies to tap phones and emails without judicial permission sparks protests from civil liberties groups.
Adan Salazar | Unicef, WHO and other vaccine purveyors capitalize on region’s decimation.
Truth Revolt | Two idiot tourists shattered a priceless statue in Italy when they attempted to snap a selfie of themselves.
McClatchy | The Pentagon has a message for Texas: chill.
CNS News | Will seek to regulate websites based on political content.
TPM | The tunnels are part of a series of conspiracy theories surrounding “Jade Helm 15.”