‘The United States Institute of Peace is a publicly funded national institution chartered by the U.S. government to promote international peace through nonviolent conflict resolution. But its chairman, Stephen Hadley, is a relentless hawk whose advocacy for greater military intervention often dovetails closely with the interests of Raytheon, a major defense contractor that pays him […]

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‘When it comes to the business of keeping an eye on the general public, the U.S. government believes it should go big or go home, so it has decided to go big. As reported by News.com.au of Australia, a small, private company has developed a surveillance system of Orwellian proportions that just put Big Brother […]

The post Massive new airborne city surveillance system can track and record everywhere you drive your car in real time appeared first on David Icke.

‘Can you fathom something worse than nuclear weapons? Can you imagine weapons that are more ‘practical’ and surgical to be used to spread “peace” and “democracy” to oil rich countries in the Middle East? Well […]