The conventional financial industry touts gaining financial independence by playing Wall Street’s game: working a conventional job for decades to accumulate a chunk of money in retirement funds that Wall Street wizards magically squeeze for hefty annual returns in a

‘The riveting writer, Michael Hudson, has read our collective minds and the simmering anger in our hearts. Millions of American have long suspected that their inability to get financially ahead is an intentional construct of Wall Street’s central planners. Now Hudson, in an elegant but lethal indictment of the system, confirms that your ongoing struggle […]

The post How Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts, Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy appeared first on David Icke.

You may have seen a variation of this chart of employment in the U.S. by age group. This chart–courtesy of– shows the number of those employed (with any kind of job–full-time, part-time, self-employed) as a percentage of the Civilian

‘Greg Gianforte, aspiring Republican governor of Montana, urges college students to reject policy that favors savings plans and retirement options because, like Noah, Christians have “an obligation to work” until they are hundreds of years […]

My advice is to focus not on retiring comfortably, but on working comfortably. You’ve probably seen articles and adverts discussing how much money you’ll need to “retire comfortably.” The trick of course is the definition of comfortable. The general idea