Gold Bullion Buying In Germany Surges As Risks Increase – Global gold demand marginally lower but robust – WGC – Gold investment demand surges 63% as jewellery demand falls – German gold demand spikes 20% in first quarter – France,

Global Debt Now $200 Trillion! – McKinsey Institute says global debt is $199 trillion and unsustainable – Total global debt is $27,204 for every person living today – All major economies have “higher levels of borrowing relative to GDP” than

Global Debt Now $200 Trillion! – McKinsey Institute says global debt is $199 trillion and unsustainable – Total global debt is $27,204 for every person living today – All major economies have “higher levels of borrowing relative to GDP” than

Silver Bullion Buying Outstripping Supply As JPMorgan ( $JPM) Buys – Silver one of most undervalued assets in world today – Fundamentals for silver market very strong – Total demand for silver outweighed demand by almost 22% last year –

Hyperinflation in Art Investment Market as Picasso Sells for $179 Million – Picasso’s “Les Femme d’Alger” sells for a record $179 million – Most expensive painting ever sold at auction – Hyperinflation in art market as painting appreciated nearly $150

“This Is A New World Order” – NATO Will Not Allow Greece Leave EU – Faber – Greece will not be ejected from the EU – Faber on CNBC – Greek default will trigger massive losses for ECB and European

UK election today expected to yield “hung parliament” Election not seen marked decline in pound as was the case in run up to last election Election ‘chaos’ could trigger a ‘Lehman moment’ for pound Recent history shows Labour victory not

JP Morgan Cornering Silver Bullion Market? – Why is JP Morgan accumulating the biggest stockpile of physical silver in history? – Legendary silver analyst Ted Butler believes JP Morgan are in a position to corner silver market – JP Morgan

JP Morgan Cornering Silver Bullion Market? – Why is JP Morgan accumulating the biggest stockpile of physical silver in history? – Legendary silver analyst Ted Butler believes JP Morgan are in a position to corner silver market – JP Morgan