‘The wave of joyous solidarity at the Greek “No” vote still resounds across the world today, revealing millions who identify with the struggle and have had enough of being bullied and controlled. Whether it is Euro bullies, other governments or corporations, the sight of a country shaking its fist in a fight for the people […]

The post Inspired by Greece, UK Public Wants Its Own Austerity Referendum appeared first on David Icke.

The policy of safeguarding Boomer benefits with asset bubbles will lead to the destruction of the unprepared, the unwary and those who foolishly trusted our “leadership” and central bank to tell them the truth. Though it is exceedingly politically incorrect

The policy of safeguarding Boomer benefits with asset bubbles will lead to the destruction of the unprepared, the unwary and those who foolishly trusted our “leadership” and central bank to tell them the truth. Though it is exceedingly politically incorrect